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October 12, 2006 - Thursday

Cloudy, but nice today.

I got up early, not really because I wanted to, but because the doorbell rang. I didn't answer it, but I did check to see who it was. It was two insurance ladies so I pretended I wasn't home and made my bed instead. I even drank coffee and watched the BBC news this morning. Yay me.

I did my usual morning stuff, but I did them earlier than usual. I even cooked breakfast around 12 today. I headed off to the school around 1 and taught my lesson at 2. It went well. After my class, I finished preparing her next one, then I came home.

I messed around on my computer for a while, had a snack and answered the telephone. It was the lady from the business card printing shop. I told her to call back later then headed off to my school. I prepared another lesson for next week, and then read more of my book. It's called The Book Nobody Read. It's interesting in a scholarly way. I emailed Fumihiko about the Printing shop lady, and he said that he'd go and see her. Then I got another email which said my cards cost XXX yen and he picked them up for me. What?? I didn't order any cards. He called me and we talked about it. He ordered them for me 2 days ago and said he told me about it. He didn't. I had no idea what he was talking about! I had no idea why the lady from the shop was calling, I thought she was trying to drum up business for her shop. MEN. Why would I say it was okay to order new cards when I was thinking about changing them a little? Why?????

After my lesson I went home. There was really no point in staying angry with hubby as he'd already done the deed and I was running low on cards too.

We had dinner in M's Dining tonight. It was quite good. Then, we came home and did what I'd wanted to do yesterday. We watched Nurse Betty, the film I'd taped earlier in the week. It was good. A bit different, but good.

Anyway, that's it. I had an okay day. Tomorrow I've only one class and it's not until the evening so I can have a relaxing day at home. I hope! Wish me luck. Night night.


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