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October 14, 2006 - Saturday

Sunny and warm day. Nice!

Today was a pretty good day. I slept in a bit, then got up, showered, checked email and had a handsome man buy me breakfast! Not bad. Then I went to work.

I had my usual two classes today and they went quite well. I think the students "got" what I wanted them to learn, and we all had fun too. One funny thing that happened was just before my second class happened, Fumihiko showed up to take me home. Huh? He'd made a mistake in the time that I would finish! I sent him packing because I needed my parking space for my students! I thought my students were arriving a little too early, but it wasn't them at my door.

After class I was just texting him when he arrived at my door. That was almost a little too fast. We discussed what to do next. He'd been busy while I was teaching, he'd taken the bedding to the laundromat. I'd asked that we do it tomorrow, but he volunteered to do it today. That was nice of him. However, he hadn't remade the bed, so I suggested that we go home and do that first. So, we did. It's a good thing because we rotated the mattress and that's tough for me to do by myself. Right now, our bed looks all lovely and cosy and clean. Yay. For some reason my dear husband hadn't washed the pillowcases, so I'll have to do that at home next week. That isn't a tough job so I don't mind too much.

We decided to go and see a movie tonight, so we drove out to Mikawa. We were hungry so we went to the new Cocos in the Across Plaza. It was fine. The manager from Tsuruoka was there, he'd been transfered. He seems really nice so it was good to see him again. We had a quick meal and then drove over to the mall to see The Black Dahlia.

The Black Dahlia was a movie filled with great atmosphere, a horrendous murder, crooked cops, lesbians, boxing and an earthquake. There was just too much. I liked parts of it, but somehow it just didn't do anything for me.

After the movie we had a cup of Cafe Mocha at Seattle's Best, then hacked around the bookstore for a while. We drove back to Tsuruoka and picked up a few groceries.

At home, I turned on the telly and found Rod baby! A very old Rod Stewart concert was on, so I watched that. While it was on, Fumihiko made miso soup and ate yakitori. I on the other hand had a whole avocado on crispbreads with wasabi, freshly ground black pepper and a smidgen of salt. Yum. Fumihiko kept trying to feed me yakitori, but I just wasn't interested tonight. I had been dreaming about that avocado all day and it was so worth it.

That's about it for our evening so far. I'm yawning up a storm and I'm cold, so I should go to bed soon. I'm not sure what we'll do tomorrow. I hope it's something interesting.

Catch you tomorrow? Night.


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