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October 18, 2006 - Wednesday

Sunny and warm, nice day.

Well, I had a nice day today. When I woke up in the morning hubby did talk to me a little, which was a nice improvement over yesterday. I slept in a bit, but was up and in the shower before 10 am. Yay me!

I used my computer for a while and then I cooked breakfast/brunch. It was nice, I had an omelette and leftover salad.

I headed off to the school, and finished my prep, then I taught my lesson. It went quite well by the way. After class, I did my paperwork, and then I headed out. Destination? S - Mall.

I got there and went to the jewellry store. My watch's battery had run down so I needed to replace it. I took it into the store, they gave me a claim ticket and told me to come back in 25 minutes. So, what did I do? I went to the coffee shop and had a cappucino. It was great. After that I bought a few groceries and came home. At home, I put away the groceries and headed out again.

First I went to the hardware store to buy batteries for my mouse, then to the video store. That was a bit of a disappointment. I couldn't find anything that I wanted to see. I decided to stick to my original plan and went home again.

At home I watched an episode of Friends to finish off the dvd. While I did that I prepared my dinner. I settled in to watch X-Men and X-Men 2 tonight. During one of the films I got a call from my hubby. He sounded in a good mood and cheerful. Yay.

I really enjoyed watching my films tonight. I love X-Men and I love Wolverine. He's tres tragical to quote my friend Mickey. Well, I'm not sure if she thinks he is tres tragical, but that's what we used to call characters like him!

I had a pretty good day today. I should go to bed soon as I have an early class.

Talk to you tomorrow? Night night?


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