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October 19, 2006 - Thursday

Sunny and a little cool.

Last night I fully intended to get to bed at a reasonable time, but my computer had other plans. I got the "Spinning Beach Ball of Doom" when I was surfing the net and it wouldn't stop. I tried to restart my computer, but it didn't work. I booted it up from the start-up disk and ran "repair disk" and "verify permissions" on the Disk Utility. (Is it just me, or do I really sound like a geek here?) I know that verify permissions isn't that great, but it was late and I really didn't want to take a long time. It ran quickly and said there were no permissions to repair. However, by this time it was 3:30 am and I was dog tired. I quit Disk Utility and tried to bring the computer back up. It started up okay, but when it came time for the screen to show me all my lovely icons, it didn't. What I got instead were weird white boxes. I could click on them and I'd get big weird white boxes. Argh. I shut down the computer and decided both of us needed some rest.

This morning, I got up, said a quick prayer to the gods of the computer (who are they anyway?) and pushed the power button. I heard the lovely "ding" sound my Mac always makes when it starts up, and then I went to take my shower. When I came back, Ta Dah! It was back in fine form. Hurray for me. Hurray for my computer! So, keep in mind that if I disappear from the net for a while, my computer may have lost it's little mind again. Or maybe that would be me.

I had two classes today. One was at 2 and one was at 7. I came home for a couple of hours in the middle. Nice to be able to do that. Both classes went well.

When I came home tonight I was greeted by a very affectionate hubby and we went out for a nice dinner. We went to M's Dining and had their new menu items. Mine was a pumpkin cream burger and his was wafu cut steak. Next time I'm having what he had!

When we came home Fumihiko very kindly wrote a note for me to one of my student's mother. There's a national holiday in a couple of weeks and I just want her to know that I'm not teaching that day. I'd hate it if her child showed up and I wasn't there.

And that's that. My day. It was pretty good actually. Much better than I expected. And with that, I'll bid you all adieu. Adieu!


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