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October 24, 2006 - Tuesday

Rainy and windy all day.

I woke up late this morning, but I had things to do, so I had to hurry and do them! First I showered, then checked email and stuff.

I went out to meet my friend a little before two. We went to Cocos and had a lovely time. It was really nice to meet with her again. It's been a while.

She drove me to Marica, the shopping center near my old office (it was on her way) and I did a bit of shopping there. I looked at the lovely shop on the second floor. I didn't buy much, but I got some yuzu salt, and some empty tea bags. Since my lovely teapot was smashed (I have NO residual anger about it, can't you tell?) I've not been able to have as much tea as I'd like. I also hacked around the hundred yen shop. I was looking for something that a friend asked me to get, but I couldn't find it.

I walked to the other 100 yen shop in S-Mall, but couldn't find it there either. I debated having a coffee and decided not to. I'll maybe make a trip tomorrow. You never know.

I walked home, taking a brief stop in the convenience store for a bite to eat and a Dassani water. I got home a bit after 3 pm.

After 5 tonight I got ready to go to work. I left a bit late, but still was fine for time. I prepared my next lesson and did a bit of spot cleaning. When my student came we had a good time. We had a nice lesson basically. Afterwards, I did my paperwork, and then I checked that I was prepared for the model lesson I'm giving on Thursday.

I let hubby know that I was coming home and then I biked off. It was a little rainy, but not that bad. I was glad I was wearing my rain cape though.

At home, I found that hubby had been preparing dinner for us and was putzing around the kitchen. I asked him to turn on the heater as it was cold in the apartment, but he was so hamfisted at it that I took over. Anyway, we ate a lovely dinner and had coffee with our meal. It was nice. And to make it even nicer, he did the dishes too, and then watched Doctor Who with me. Tonight was a bit of a weepy one, Rose met her father, who died before she could remember him.

After that, we didn't really do anything. I've just set up my iPhoto section to import the photos from my old iPhoto. It's working very hard. I had no idea there were so many pictures quite honestly. I'll have to toss some of them tomorrow I think. I've got many duplicates and that's just eating up space.

And that was my day. It was pretty good. It was really nice to go out and have a "ladies lunch" again.

Anyway, gotta go. Night night.


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