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October 25, 2006 - Wednesday

Cloudy then clearing. No rain. Yeah!

I love the English Language...did I ever mention that? I was at the grocery store with Fumihiko tonight when I looked up and noticed a thread-like filament swinging from the cash register sign. I said, "Oh, look, there's a cobweb!" Then as I pointed it out to hubby, I said, "You know, I wonder why we say cobweb. Lots of people just say spider web." Fumihiko (bless him) said he was interested too, and I said I'd find out. I just did. Thanks to the good people at Wikipedia I learned that coppe was the Middle English name for spider. AND, I was right in calling that little bit of web a cobweb as the modern usage of cobweb is for an old spider web with no spider in it. To quote Wayne of Wayne's World, "I did not know that."

And then I freaked Fumihiko out a bit. I postulated (10 dollar word) that probably the word "coppe" pronunciation shifted over the centuries like in the word cupboard. He looked at me a bit strangely until I said that "Cupboard was originally just that, a cup board, a place to put cups. But, the pronunciation has changed and we don't pronounce the 'p'. It gets mixed in with the 'b'." He said, "Oh, I always thought the word was 'covered', like the doors cover the things inside." The ol' Japanese problem of V versus B strikes again!

In other news, I had a quiet day at home. I had planned to get my hair cut, but I didn't. By the time I got my butt in gear it was too late to go.

Fumihiko and I did go out to dinner tonight though. We tried a new restaurant that is run by the chef from one of our old favourites. My lunch date yesterday told me that he had opened a new place. I had Weiner Schnitzel which isn't very low carb, but was really good! I haven't eaten it in years. My mum used to make it sometimes. They had free refills on coffee, salad, and I think miso soup. Fumihiko also got a refill on rice. It was quite nice, although the chef seemed to be working alone. He needs to have someone else to help him out I think. Still, nice to find a new place to go.

We did the groceries and then came home to watch Desperate Housewives. Tonight was good, Susan found Zachary, but sent him off to Utah, Gabrielle had a conjugal visit with Carlos, and Lynette "killed" her son's imaginary friend. Bree had two men fighting over her, her son and George the pharmacist. Interesting show tonight.

And that's it. I'm done and out of here. Catch me tomorrow, I'll be here unless my computer's threatening more and more these days!



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