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October 28, 2006 - Saturday

Sunny and quite warm. Nice day.

A pretty good day today. I went to bed really late last night and had a hard time getting up this morning. Even though Fumihiko had today off, he got up early. It was the day for doing yard work around our apartment. I'd like to know who's stupid idea this was. You're supposed to go out at 8:00am and cut grass or some such nonsense for an hour. Umm, I don't think so. I refused to do it, so I was a little in hubby's bad books for a while. And you know what they use to cut the damn grass? Looks like a pruning hook or something. It's unbelieveable.

Anyway, when I did get up, I discovered that Fumihiko was in the bath. At 9:30 in the morning. I had to take a shower so I could get ready for bed. Bah. He finally got out, and I got to use the bathroom.

I showered, then we had a bit of a cuddle before we went to the restaurant. We went to Gusto and had a pretty decent lunch. Just before 12, hubby dropped me off at my school.

Both classes went well today. Hurray for that. In the first one, we finished a little early so I gave my student some Halloween colouring to do, and in the second one, we only just finished. I couldn't do colouring with them in class, so I gave it to them to take home.

I phoned hubby to come and get me and he did. Yay. We hummed and hawed about where to go, so finally decided to go and have coffee. Then I announced that I was hungry and asked if we could go to Mosburgers. So, we did! I had a chicken burgery thing in lettuce leaves, and hubby had a rice-burger. We both had cappucino.

We came home after this and did a bit of a computer fest...well, I did. Fumihiko watched bad television. After a couple of hours he announced that he was hungry and we went out. Tonight we went out for yakiniku and didn't go to Togashi. We went to Gyu-oh. It was pretty decent actually. We had a nice time too.

After dinner we came home and finished watching the Tremors saga. Tonight was Tremors 4: The Beginning. It was really silly, but watchable. In fact, I think I liked it more than number 3.

Fumihiko dozed off during the movie a few times, although he'll deny it. He's in bed now. I should really go soon, but I'm "chatting" with a friend on the net and blogging this. I don't wanna sleep yet!

Anyway, that's it for today. I may not update tomorrow night as I may go out of town for a night. I'm not sure yet. If I don't blog tomorrow, please check out yesterday's entry about books and movies about books! Help me out please. I'm sure there's a lot, I just haven't thought of them yet.

Night night.


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