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October 30, 2006 - Monday

Warm and sunny.

I just finished having a virtual chat with my friend back in Edmonton and she tells me that it is about -5 and there's snow. Makes me glad I'm here! We had a lovely warm day. Sorry about that!

Well, today was good. I was awakened a bit too early honestly, about an hour before my alarm was set, so I couldn't get up when I was supposed to. After a while, we drove to Sakata and tried out the new and improved Hotel Rich and Garden's buffet lunch. It was okay. Fumihiko was quite upset with some people. The staff put out some fried chicken and he said that people were taking more than half of the plate of it at once. I can believe that. For all of Japanese people's supposed politeness, they do like to eat.

After lunch we drove back to Tsuruoka. We went home first to get some banking/medical card things, then went off again. First we went to the bank. Fumihiko had some stuff to do, what, I don't know! I paid a business bill. After that, we went to the dentist. I've been having tooth trouble for ages and decided I should go and see what's up. Well, we got there and then the receptionist said the dentist was too busy to see me today. We made an appointment (like I've wanted my hubby to do for me for ages) for next Monday.Hopefully Hub will be off, and we can go.

Our next mission for the day was to price check something. For the last couple of months, Fumihiko has been doing his computer stuff on our mini table in the living room. He has to bend over to sit at the couch and use the computer. I think it is hurting his back more than usual. Yesterday, I suggested looking for a coffee table for the apartment. We found one yesterday that was adjustable. You can raise or lower it, it has wheels on the bottom too, so it's easy to move out of the way when you want to vacuum or sweep. Yay. However, the next store that we looked at, had it cheaper, and today, it was even cheaper, and better yet, smaller! Our living room isn't that big. We actually bought it today too.

We went to karaoke for a couple of hours next. We both sang a lot. I tried some stuff that I don't usually try and was very pleased with "Walking on Broken Glass", the Annie Lennox song. It came out really well.(Ok so I'm biased.) When we left after our time was up, the price for 2 hours of fun with soft drinks/coffee included? 400 yen. Yes! Amazing but true.

We came home after this, and did computer stuff for a while. I wasn't hungry. Finally though, we decided to go out. I suggested going to Benkei since I was in a real veggie mood, but Fumihiko wanted ramen. We compromised. We decided to go to a ramen shop first, and then go to Benkei. Well, at the ramen shop Fumihko proceeded to have ramen, fried rice and gyoza. He ordered gyoza and cold meat for me. After he ate all of that, I couldn't really see him wanting to go to an izakaya and eating more. He said he would, but I decided to go to the grocery store instead to get some salad for me. I got some salad, and a couple of other things, then came home and I ate the second part of my meal. I didn't have that much honestly.

We watched tonight's ER repeat. It was Neela's first night back on the job, and Abby and Neela were having a rough time in the ER.

Not much else happened this evening. I'm trying to get Fumihiko to go to bed soon as he's back to work tomorrow. Well, actually, so am I, but my day starts later than his.

And that's my day. It was pretty good, in spite of the early start! Got to go, night.


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