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September 1, 2006 - Friday

Warm and sunny, nice day.

Today was good, but I didn't really think it would be! I was sleeping nice and peacefully at 8:30 when Fumihiko came back from his work. What? After going to work he found that he was owed more time off, so he took the day off. I wasn't pleased at first, but went back to sleep anyway. I finally roused myself at something after 10. He was already up, studying for his test. This was good. He wasn't wasting his time!

I reminded him that I had to go to work, and wanted to go early today. We went for brunch to Cocos, somewhere around 1:30. We had a pretty nice lunch, both of us had the same thing, except he ate my bread and his rice too. After dinner, he dropped me off at my school.

I was pretty busy today. I did some paperwork for the new student, setting things up for her. I also planned her class, plus the one I taught today and one for tomorrow. I had a lot of fiddle-y prep for the last one. I have to make cards for the students to write on. Fun!

My first lesson went quite well, and then I sent the student off with a note about my holiday. I waited for my next student. And waited. I finally turned on my cellphone in case she had called, and she had. She couldn't come. Then Fumihiko phoned me to say she couldn't come. And then, she called me again. Anyway, it was fine. I told her it was okay, confirmed her next class, and hung up.

I changed and told Fumihiko it was okay to come and get me. He came a bit later and we went to Jiro for dinner. I had my usual, but Fumihiko tried something new. He had Katsudon. It was different than most types of katsudon, but it looked good. He seemed to enjoy it.

We came home via the grocery store. I have to take a lunch to the school tomorrow as I have a later class. We've spent a quiet evening here at home. I've been on my computer, Fumihiko has been studying. He's off to Sendai tomorrow night. He has to write two tests on Sunday. Crazy man! I hope he does well.

So, my big question for tomorrow is what shall I do? After work of course. I'm sort of looking forward to having an evening alone. Yay me. Wish me luck!

Night night.


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