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September 2, 2006 - Saturday

Warm and sunny. Nice day.

A good day so far. In the morning I dragged myself out of bed before 10, showered and checked email. I got a call from an ex-student while I was doing my computer stuff, so the short story is I have a lunch date next Sunday. Yay! I'm really glad about that.

I ate breakfast and then went off to my school. I taught my first two lessons and then I ate lunch. I taught my last lesson to a brand new student. It went quite well. Yay. Afterwards, I waited for hubby to phone me to say goodbye, but he didn't.

I came home via the drugstore. I hummed and hawed about what to do. I didn't know if hubby had left town yet or not. I tried to send him a c-mail on his phone. Just after I sent it, I heard a faint tune in the spare bedroom. I got up, went into the room and checked his clothes. Sure enough, he'd left his cellphone at home.

I decided to go out to the grocery store to get some food. I biked off to the grocery store and got some roast beef salad mix, a tomato and some Indian curry stuff. I hit the video store too and rented a DVD. I came home, heated up the curry and got a phone call from hubby. He'd just arrived at his hotel and was tired and hungry. Poor guy. We laughed about the cell phone thing and he went off to have his dinner.

I ate my dinner and watched the DVD, Underworld Evolution. It was...okay. Much better than the first one which I really didn't understand. However, it was very violent! I'm watching the special features that are on the disc, which are interesting. The director and the other people keep congratulating themselves on what a good job they did of all of the special effects and how realistic they are. Huh? I don't think so! They really weren't.

And that's my day so far. It's been a very quiet evening. I'm not sure when I'll go to bed. I might pop in a video, but I am a bit tired too, so you just never know. I might go very soon!

Anyway, today was great. I'm looking forward to having some fun tomorrow by myself too. Night.


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