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September 8, 2006 - Friday

Warm and sunny. Gorgeous day.

A pretty good day, all told. Once again, I surprised myself by getting up before 10. I told Fumihiko tonight and he looked at me like I'm crazy for celebrating that, but it's true. Why should I get up early if my work doesn't start early?? Well, today it started at 2.

In the morning I did email and checked a few things on the net. I also printed out a trip itinerary for each of us. Yay me. I wrote a couple of emails asking for confirmation of our hotel reservations, got one back. Yay them.

After a nice breakfast, I headed off to the school. It was hot in there, so I started up the air conditioner and then vacuumed the joint. It looked okay. The problem is if I don't open the curtains while I vacuum I can't see the dust! I think I got most of it today. With a few minutes before my student arrived, I decided to finish up the lesson that I had started planning yesterday. I quickly photocopied what I needed and then cut up the cards. And it was a good thing too!

The lesson that I planned for her at first was really, really short. Oops! So, I pulled out the "next" lesson and did that one too. Wow. I'm so glad that I finished it. If I hadn't my student might have wondered what kind of teacher I am. Anyway, at the end of the class, she seemed surprised that the time was up. She wasn't ready for class to end. I'd say that's a good sign!

After she left I prepped my kid's lesson for today, then I left and had lunch. I biked off to Gusto. I went kind of the long way, but I went the way that had traffic lights to cross at. I'm such a chicken when it comes to crossing roads without lights. I think most Japanese drivers are terrible and I don't trust them one little bit. The lights help a bit, but I've had a few close calls even at lights.

I had chicken and tofu salad at Gusto. It was fine. I had drink bar, and read more of my Empire magazine. That movie magazine is worth every penny! A few minutes after 5 I zoomed back to the school.

My student showed up on time, but wasn't on his best behaviour tonight. He seems to have this crazy idea that I speak Japanese because he speaks to me in Japanese all the time! Anyway, when his family came to pick him up it was a happy thing.

Sadly though, my last student of the day cancelled. She was too busy. So, I did a bit more planning for tomorrow. I've been realizing something odd today. I always plan well ahead for my adult students but not for my children classes. I wonder why? I think that I like the kids classes to be a little bit more spontaneous. That I like living on the edge a bit. It might be! It's as good a theory as anything else I can think of. (Great English teacher that I am, I just ended that sentence with a preposition. Sue me!) (Okay, want the more correct version? I can do it you know. How about this? "It's as good a theory as anything else of which I can think." It just doesn't have the same friendly ring to it.)

When I was finished preparing, I cycled home. And found an empty house. Poor Fumihiko was still working, and this was well after 8. I felt sorry for him. He finally arrived around 9 pm. We went out for dinner. This was supposed to be my busy day, so I didn't want to cook.

We had dinner in Cocos tonight. It was fine. The reason I like to go there isn't the food, it's the drink bar. It's really good. When we finished, we went to the grocery store across the street. We got a few things for tomorrow night's dinner.Although we're going away soon, I thought it was better to cook something rather than eat out again. I think we'll get tired of eating out all the time.

Then we came home. Fumihiko is so tired. I really feel for him. He took his bath and is now lying on the couch fast asleep. He's got a busy day tomorrow I think. I'm not really that busy, but I do have two children's classes. They should be fine. All of the kids that I teach tomorrow are nice children.

That was my day. Not bad eh? Night night.


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