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September 9, 2006 - Saturday

Hot and sunny!

A pretty good day again today. I got up before 10 again, yay! I did have to hustle a bit today, though. I cooked my breakfast and then set off for my school.

My classes were fine today, but after the last students left I did the dance of happiness! I am now on holiday! Wahoo. I came home and soon after so did Fumihiko.

We went out to the hundred yen shop where I got a few things. We went to have a glass of iced coffee in Doutors. That was my treat. We came home after that.

I made dinner when we came home. I made coro-coro steak and we had caesar salad too. Fumihiko prepared tofu for us. He didn't make the tofu of course, he just put it in a bowl with some fish flakes and ponsu sauce. Fumihiko did the dishes afterwards.

I packed my suitcase tonight. I think I got everything in it! I won't be bringing everything back, but my suitcase is full. Sigh. Oh heck, I just realized that I didn't use the straps to hold the stuff in place. Oh well. I still have one more day to do that.

We're just kicking back and relaxing now. Fumihiko is watching Bowling for Columbine but he just made us some miso soup! What a sweetie. We'll likely go to bed fairly soon. I do have a lunch date tomorrow afternoon so I have something to look forward to. Fumihiko is off now. He was supposed to work tomorrow, but took the day off. Good for him. He still has to pack.

And that was my day. I'll most likely update tomorrow, but if I don't, I'll talk to you in a bit over a week. Don't miss me too much! Night night.


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