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January 6, 2007 - Saturday

Clear in the morning, then rainy at night.

An okay day.

I got up at a reasonable time this morning and showered. I cooked my breakfast early and then I left for work. It was raining at the time, so I wore my raincoat and my raincape. I managed to get to the school without getting too wet.

Teaching stuff

My lessons went well today. During my break I prepped extra stuff for the second class and it was a good thing. I needed it! I was supposed to teach my students some prepositions, but they didn't know the more basic ones that came first! That's the problem with that class. I started them on the second textbook because they're higher than my other students, but the second text doesn't make any attempt to deal with students that haven't studied from the first book. Luckily, I can compensate, but it means we have to take things a little slower at times. Still, they are great kids, so I don't mind.

I came home after class and got quite wet. It had started raining a lot harder on the way home. Too bad for me. I came home, stripped off the wet stuff and dried off. I changed into other clothes and had basically just sat down at my computer when Fumihiko came home.

The Evening

We went to Cocos for dinner and we both had their cut steak tonight. It was nice. For some reason I was freezing, so I didn't have my usual iced tea, I had hot tea. They had a really nice berry one. Yum. I finished up by having a cappucino, which was very nice.

We came home and Fumihiko made some coffee (decafe) and I made some curry popcorn. It was yummy, even if I say so myself, and I do! Then we put on the dvd de jour. Tonight it was The Constant Gardener. It was superb. I have the book but I haven't started it yet. I think I'll wait a bit because the movie was so good that I think I need a time buffer. Ralph Fiennes was so good as the diplomat who falls more madly in love with his wife after she dies, and Rachel Weisz really deserved her Academy Award as Tessa. The acting was great, and the! Amazing.

And that's about it for my evening. I've been having a bit of trouble with my computer. It froze a few minutes ago and I had to restart it. I'm worried about when it's going to pack it all in. I hope it keeps it together long enough for me to win the lottery! I need a new one soon.

Tomorrow I have an exciting day planned...not! No plans yet. I hope something comes up though. Wish me luck! Night.


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