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January 9, 2007 - Tuesday

Clear, with a bit of snow in the evening.

A pretty normal day. I got up moderately early and watched the news while I drank coffee. Today it was Sumiyaki coffee, or roasted over charcoal coffee I think. Yum.

One thing I did during the day was marinade the chicken pieces we bought yesterday in my teriyaki sauce. I did that a couple of times during the day.

I left a bit late for work and so I rode my bike. It wasn't too bad, except some of the snow had stayed behind. I had to be careful that I didn't hit any of the rough edges of it. I think it had frozen hard.

Class was fine today and we had a good time together. We're making plans to go out one night with an ex-ex-student of mine if we can. That could be fun!

I called Fumihiko and asked him to pick me up after I finished. I could have bicycled home in the time it took him to come and get me, but I thought it would be safer. It was clear right up until he arrived at my school to pick me up. Then the snow came. Yuck.

We had to go to the video store to return the dvds, so we did that and on the way back stopped at a grocery store. It's one that we rarely go to as it's quite far away. They were closing in about 40 minutes so we got some good deals. I got an avocado for much less than my local store, and Fumihiko picked up some sushi for less than half the regular price. I got a container of beef tataki, the rare on the inside roast beef for less than 150 yen. I was really looking for something to go along with our dinner, but the side dishes were gone.

We came home and I sauted the chicken, set the table and let Fumihiko make the coffee. Yay me! The chicken got rave reviews. It was very tender and juicy, the salad was nice (bought yesterday) and the frozen veggies that I cooked were good too. Fumihiko said the sushi was nice. So, all in all, a strange meal, but good! Fumihiko was tuckered out from his day so I sent him to take his bath while I did the dishes.

The Doctor? Which Doctor?

The real reason I sent him off? Doctor Who! Yup. At 11:00 pm tonight The Doctor came on. I'm not sure why I got so excited, but I was singing "Doctor Whooo, Doctor Whoooo" when the theme song came on. I think it has something to do with the history I have with the show. I'd never watch it when I was a girl. Science Fiction freaked the heck out of me. I think it had something to do with Lost in Space as a kid. I got lost in a mall once as a toddler and the idea of being lost in SPACE....freaking SPACE with no kind security guards to take me back to my Mum was too much for me. However, when we lived in Scotland I became a bit of a Loch Ness Monster aficionado and Doctor Who had a storyline that dealt with Nessie, so I had to watch it. I got hooked. Then, in college, it was a big deal everyday to go to the Commons Lounge and watch Doctor Who with all the other Sci-fi nuts!

Tonight The Doctor kept meeting up with Madame De Pompadour, the mistress of the King of France. It was very interesting, and quite fun.

And that was that. Oh, our Wowow decoder came today. Fumihiko set it up, but there hasn't been anything on yet that I want to watch! Maybe tomorrow. And one note for tomorrow. Hubby is off work. He told me tonight. He has to write a report and I think he's going to go to the doctor too. He needs the doctor I think. Poor guy isn't doing well right now.

That's it, I'm outta here! Night.


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