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January 16, 2007 - Tuesday

Rainy, very rainy.

A good day for me, but not for those around me. I got up quite early and watched the news. I also did three loads of laundry and watched a bit of telly.

As it was raining I decided that when I left for work I'd ride my bike. The driveway looked mostly clear so I thought I was safe enough.

I watched half of Cold Case today, and then left for work. It wasn't quite dark yet, and I'd left home before rush hour so I made good time and the way wasn't busy. It was wet though. It was really coming down. When I got to the school I hung up my wet clothes in the shower to dry.

An Accidental Night

I put on my work clothes and prepared a lesson for Thursday's class. I always try to prep just a little bit in advance, in case something comes up. After I was done I finished up my December Empire magazine, brushed my teeth, did my hair, put on my lipstick and waited. And waited.

My student has only once missed a class without telling me first....but she really did. Our fax machine wasn't working and she had sent me a fax the day before. I didn't get the fax until Fumihiko fixed the machine. She's never more than two minutes late. At the 10 minute mark I was worried. I don't have a phone in my school, just my cell phone. I phoned Fumihiko to see if he was home. He often misses the message light on our phone at home. He wasn't at home, he was still at work. He sounded a bit strained. He told me that he'd had an accident at work. He was fine, no one was hurt, but he was making a report out about it. I explained to him why I called. I told him I'd stay at my school because I didn't know if my student was coming or not.

I sat down and read a bit of my English Language History book, then got another call from my husband. My student, through a long process had managed to get his phone number, and called him to let me know that she'd had an accident and couldn't come today. The worst thing is that it sounds like she had the accident on the way to my school. Yikes. I haven't heard from her yet, but I did send her an email once I got home.

Most of the rest of the night.

Fumihiko picked me up just after 8 and we went home. He was covered in mud, basically from head to toe, the poor thing. He started doing laundry and cooked our dinner too. He made pork and hacksai nabe. It was very good. We tried some yuzo-kousho that a new friend of mine had sent me. We don't have it up here. It gave a lovely zest to the nabe. We also had salad.

I did dishes while Fumihiko worked on his laundry. He took his bath and I watched Doctor Who. As always, it was great! They're in a parallel London and the Cybermen have just captured Rose, The Doctor and Micky...and his parallel Ricky. Oooh.

That's about it then. Fumihiko made some miso soup with the tofu he forgot to put in the nabe, so we had that and oolong tea. He's gone off to bed finally. He's had quite a bad day and is tuckered out.

Tomorrow I have a lunch date with an old friend and ex-co-worker. I'm looking forward to it as I haven't seen her in ages.

That was my day! I've got to go. Night night.


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