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January 17, 2007 - Wednesday

Sunny and reasonably warm, for January!

Well, I was supposed to go out with my friend today, but sadly she had to cancel. She called me this morning and said she wasn't feeling well. We've rescheduled for next week.

I didn't do too much at home, but around 1:30 I went out. I wanted to run a few errands, so that's what I did. I deposited some coins at the post office, paid bills at the bank, went to another bank and updated my passbook, then went to Marica. Whew! A lot of biking around. But I enjoyed it. It was a super day. It hardly felt like winter at all. More like a late Autumn or early Spring day. At Marica I went to the cool little shop on the second floor and got more yuzu salt. I really like that stuff. I hacked around the hundred yen shop and got a few things, but nothing major.

After all of that, I got back on my bike and went to S-Mall. I finally had lunch there. It was okay, but nothing to write home about. (Or is that what I'm doing now?) I got a few more small things in the hundred yen shop, then went downstairs and had my cappucino. I checked out the grocery store, but didn't buy anything there. Finally, I was ready to go home.

At home I watched, yes, you guessed it, today's episode of Cold Case. It was very interesting today. The murder took place in the 80's, when AIDS had just started to make a large impact. Rock Hudson was sick, and gay men were dying. I remember it a bit, but I was young and at the time I didn't know anybody who was gay. They use great background music on the show and one of the songs was my favourite Billy Idol song "Eyes Without a Face". The team solved the crime and I was impressed in way at how far we've come since then in the way that people react to homosexuals and people with AIDS. But, in other ways, we really haven't come very far at all.

Fumihiko came home early-ish tonight, and wanted to go out for dinner but I wasn't hungry yet. I made the poor man wait quite a few hours. When we did go out we went to Myungdong, the Korean restaurant that his friends own. They'd taken one of my favourites off the menu, but they still had Bulgogi, so that's what I had. Fumihiko had a couple of other dishes that were very spicy. I like spicy food but it doesn't always like me back.

We came home via the grocery store and I bought some chicken breasts. I'm going to make tandori chicken for tomorrow night's dinner. Yum. Can't wait.

We watched Desperate Housewives tonight. Fun as always. Tonight, people started to notice that Bree has a drinking problem and Susan and Karl got re-married. We also found out that Gabrielle may not be able to have a baby anymore and her mother offered to be her surrogate. Weirdness abounds on Wisteria Lane.

While hubby took his bath, I watched some of my Eurythmics DVD and ground coffee. Hubby bought a coffee mill a few weeks ago and if we want certain kinds of coffee we have to hand grind it first! I ground decafe for tonight and some Indonesian coffee for tomorrow morning. Yay me.

And that's it. It was a pretty good day. I'm sad for my friend, but I'm really glad that I didn't just stay home and veg in front of the computer all day. Got to go. Night!


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