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January 22, 2007 - Monday


Today was a quiet day, but just what I needed.

This morning I woke up quite early because the phone was ringing. It was the grocery store calling for my husband. He was at work. I did get up and even checked the tv for news. Sadly it wasn't on. They had golf on instead. Why? I went back to bed. I know I shouldn't have, but I wanted more sleep!

I got up later and stayed up. I took a shower and watched the last half or so of White Nights. I am still totally in love with Mikhail Baryshnikov. The music from that movie covers a wide range. Some of it is annoying (Say You, Say Me and Separate Lives) and some of it is so cool (My Love Is Chemical and that Russian singer that isn't on the soundtrack but should have been!)

I started making my veggie stock in the afternoon. I boiled up a bunch of peelings and am now in the process of freezing the liquid in ice cube trays. I think I'll have to wait until morning because they still aren't frozen.

I also watched the CSI shows from Saturday night. They were quite good, especially the New York one. The guy who was eaten by a tiger? Very cool. And disgusting.

When Fumihiko came home tonight we went out for dinner. I had thought to go out during the day and pick something up to cook, but it rained and I didn't want to go out. We went to Moku Moku. It was okay. I had duck which for some reason tasted like liver. I usually like it a lot more.

We bought groceries at Max Valu because they have a good frozen veggie department and they stock sunflower seeds...and avocados at a reasonable price.

We drove to my school then so I could drop off a few things and set the heater for tomorrow. After that, we hit the local grocery store for a few more things. A very few more things.

We came home and spent a quiet night in front of the computer and TV. We watched the repeat of ER where Carrie meets her mother for the first time. It was good, if sad.

My computer is acting a bit buggy right now so if I suddenly stop blogging, it's probably my computer rather than any personal problem! If I have time tomorrow I'll run the disk repair programme.

That's it for me...oh wait, on my quiz blog there's a meme about Books. I was tagged by Gina last week. Please check it out and if you'd like to do it too, let me know!

Night night.


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