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January 21, 2007 - Sunday

Clear and sunny, yet cold.

This morning I got up at 11:15 or so. Amazing, considering that I didn't get to bed until after 5. I'm a crazy person. Hubby was up at 8:30 he said. He's crazy too!

We had a pretty good day today. We went to the post office first to pick up my parcel from Susan. My last Christmas present. Yay. Then, we had lunch at the Daiichi Hotel. It was busy today so we had to wait for a while, but it was okay. They had some decent food today too. There was a pot-au-feu with chicken that was nice. I just ate the chicken, and they were making omelettes too. Fumihiko got me one of those.

We headed out to the big mall after that. It was really busy so we had a hard time finding parking. We went into the hardware store and got me another ink cartridge for my house printer, then into the mall for some coffee. After the coffee we didn't know what to do with ourselves. Since Fumihiko probably hadn't got my birthday present yet (it's next month) I suggested that we split up and meet in an hour. That's what we did. I got a card for my friend and looked at the craft stuff, then the clothes. I didn't buy anything else. We had a cold drink when we got back together. Later we moved the car closer, before finally going to see The Departed.

The Departed was great in my opinion, but my husband didn't like it. He doesn't like police stories because he doesn't think they're realistic. I don't care about that, I just enjoy the stories. DiCaprio, Damon and even Jack Nicholson were great in this film.

After the movie we came back to Tsuruoka and had dinner at M's Dining. It was pretty good. We had the cut steak set. After dinner, home.

We spent a quiet evening at home and now Fumihiko is sleeping, or trying to. He's back at work tomorrow. I'm really tired so I'm thinking to go to bed soon too.

I've got to go. Night!


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