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January 25, 2007 - Thursday


Hot damn! I forgot it was Robert Burns Day today. I didnae hae oony haggis. Och weil, I dinnae likit muuch onyway.

Now that you all think you're reading Trainspotting, relax. You aren't!

Soup Nazi or Faerie?

When I finally started moving around today and doing things, I was quite busy. I marinaded the chicken for dinner in my teriyaki sauce, then I started making soup. I used a chicken breast that had been sitting in the freezer for yonks, the Christmas chicken carcass and some veggies that I bought yesterday. I chopped and cut for what seemed like hours. I did have company though. I watched Cold Case while I cooked. I did a lot of prep work for the soup on the stove, poaching the chicken and all, then put all the cut up stuff into my slow cooker. I set it and left it. Yeah.

I made a quick run to the post office to get my friend's card mailed, then I came home and had lunch. I made my usual omelette but it had left over pork in it instead of ham and I warmed up some of my tomatoey sauce from the roast the other night to put over it. It's so good.

Work work work...

I left for my school just after 5. I'd planned to go earlier but it was raining and I couldn't force myself to go out. I did finally. I got there quickly. It was raining, but I wasn't soaked. I was a little damp in places so I changed quickly and hung up my clothes to dry.

I did my prep work and then my student came. We had a very good class. It was all about non-count and count nouns, especially food. They're so complicated. I think the fact that I'd never been taught them myself makes it hard to teach. Some things are countable in Britain, but not Canada, so it gets confusing for this teacher.

After class I sent hubby a quick note to say I was leaving soon. He called me back and said that he'd come and get me. He did. Yay.

Home but not Alone

When we got home I got into dinner making mode. I set the table, started the chicken in the pan and ladled out some soup. Fumihiko made coffee and opened the salad. The soup was great. I hadn't put in any salt and pepper so we did that for ourselves, but it was quite nice. The veggies weren't overpowering and the chicken was nice. We each had two bowls. By the time I finished my second bowl of soup, the chicken was ready. I took it out of the pan and tried to make a kind of gravy but it didn't work. It turned into a paste-y kind of thing that looked like miso but wasn't. However, the chicken tasted very nice and the salad was good too. I brought out my blue cheese dressing for that.

Fumihiko did the dishes and really did do them all tonight. (He always forgets to wash something.) I read email and surfed for a while.

That's about it for the day. He's sleeping on the couch. I should go and get into my jammies and get off to bed fairly soon too. I'm tired tonight. Last night was way too late!

Night night.


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