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January 25, 2006 - Wednesday - Robert Burns Day

Warmer today. No snow that I know about.

Today was okay. I got up pretty easily today at my appointed time. I checked email, showered, cooked breakfast and watched last night's Charmed and The West Wing. Unbelievably, the US has decided to cancel The West Wing. I've heard that ratings and quality are going down for it, but the shows I'm watching are so good I'm really disappointed.

In the later part of the afternoon I went to the post office to pay for my food order. A couple of nights ago I sent an order off to the Foreign Buyers Club. What did I buy? Diet Coke with Lime, Atkins Bars and Chocolate syrup for coffee. Oh, and A & W Diet Root beer. I've got Fumihiko converted. He loves it as much as me!

When I came back I did a few minutes of shovelling out at our parking space. Fumihiko's side is much higher than my side, so I was trying to equalize it, but I couldn't. The snow is really packed down. I did get a little of it moved though, so maybe next time more will go.

When Fumihiko came home he had to leave quite soon afterwards. His mother had called him so he had to go and see her. While he was gone I got things set up for dinner. That sounds much grander than what I did. I basically set the table.

When he came home, we ate. He put all of the stuff in the nabe, and we cooked it. Last night we bought a miso chicken nabe set. It was really good but I think it could have been bigger! Next time I'll buy some tofu to put in it. That would be good.

After dinner we watched a dvd. I did the dishes while Fumihiko picked it. He chose A Beautiful Mind. It was great, but now that I knew the secret, felt that something was missing. I guess it's a bit like rewatching The Sixth Sense or The Others. You can do it, but it just doesn't have the same impact.

We ended by watching Desperate Housewives. It was, as usual, really good. Bree's son came out, and she spanked one of Lynette's boys, Susan's mother moved in and Gabrielle got pregnant. Egads!

Well, today is Robert Burns day, the day that celebrates Scotland's patron Poet. If you aren't familiar with his work, check it out. It was wonderful if you can understand it. He wrote in the local Scottish dialect so it may be difficult to understand his meanings.

Oh, and I'm including the meme link today again, in case anyone wants to revisit it! Night!


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