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January 24, 2007 - Wednesday

Clear and cold, still no snow!

Today was a bit of an odds and sods day. I accomplished a few things, but nothing very exciting.

I got up early this morning. I'd set my hot blanket last night before bed so the bed was toasty when I got in. I'd also worn a fleecy top and bottoms to bed. When I woke up this morning, I didn't have any covers on me! I must have overheated.

I watched the news and checked email. I got one from a friend that I was supposed to have lunch with tomorrow, saying that she couldn't meet me on Friday as something had come up. I wrote back and said that I was sorry about Friday but our planned outing was actually for Thursday, could she still make that? The answer I received was no she couldn't as she already had plans. Yes she had. With ME. I'm a little peeved at the moment. I'm busier these days and it isn't always easy to find a good time to meet in my schedule. Oh well.

I had an early-ish lunch and watched last night's Doctor Who. It was the final episode of the Cybermen series. A bit spooky. The footsteps of the Cybermen was quite un-nerving. Micky, Rose's ex-boyfriend left the show too. I thought it worked rather well the way they did it.

I set off for the school and made good time. When there's no snow like this and I can ride my bicycle it takes about 10 minutes to get there. That's not bad at all. I enjoyed the ride, except when I have to deal with silly drivers.

My class was fine and afterwards I changed and left for home. I stopped in at the drug store for some echinecia. I swear by that stuff! It seems to work for me.

I got home just before 5 and did a bunch of stuff on my computer. Fumihiko came home before 6, and got onto his computer. I was sitting in my corner using my computer and I started to get really cold. I was also so sleepy that I just couldn't stay awake. I put my computer to sleep, and then I went and got into bed and curled up in a ball. Fumihiko must have thought that I was hinting at something because he came and joined me. I wasn't! He gave me a full body hug and I think I fell asleep for a while. It was almost 8 when I woke up. He'd fallen asleep too. When I woke up I was warm and felt 100% better. Yay. I told him later that he was a good doctor. He looked at me strangely until I told him that he must be a doctor because he made me feel better!

We ended up going out to Gusto for dinner. We both had the mixed grill and shared a pizza. Yes I know, it's not very low carb, but I really wanted pizza tonight! I've been trying to taper off my low carb diet for a while. I'm eating a bit of bread now and sometimes a potato here or there. I haven't eaten any rice yet (except for that lovely Greek rice at Yanni's in Edmonton last year) and I don't miss it at all. I'm still trying to avoid overly processed foods or high sugar foods too. Anyway, even though it was just Gusto pizza I really enjoyed it. I may have to make my blue cheese pizza again!

We came home via the grocery store again. I'm going to cook dinner tomorrow. We'll have teriyaki chicken (I have a low carb sauce) and probably chicken soup. I made some veggie stock on Monday and I just took the Christmas chicken's carcass out of the freezer, so I'm hopeful that it'll be good.

When 11 pm came around I watched Desperate Housewives while Fumihiko slept. It's on tape now so he can watch it if he wants to tomorrow. It was quite funny in places, serious in other parts. Bree's drinking continues to be a problem, even though she's going to AA meetings. Paul Young was "arrested" and beaten up, and Susan was in the hospital to have her operation. Mike visited her and at the start of the operation she told her new boyfriend who was also doing the surgery that she loved Mike. He didn't seem pleased! Carlos and Gabrielle tried to adopt a child but ran into a bit of a problem when one of the people at the adoption agency knew their real history. (The woman was the mother of the "boy" that Gabrielle had the big affair with in the first season.) Hmm.

Fumihiko has finally gone off to bed. He was really tired tonight and slept on the couch for a few hours.

Well, tomorrow I don't have any plans except for cooking and then teaching. I do have to get to the post office soon as I have a birthday card sitting on my desk for a friend in Canada. When's her birthday? Soon! Too soon. My card will never make it in time. But I have to try, right?

That's it! Got to go. Night night.


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