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February 6, 2007 - Tuesday

A bit rainy, but not too bad.

Despite going to bed at an almost reasonable time last night I had a terrible time getting up this morning. I had to get up as well, because I had a lunch date!

Finally I dragged myself off the couch, showered and dressed. I left for the mall a bit after 12. I arrived at the restaurant right on time. Yay. I met Shimi and we went in. It was just the two of us for a while and then two other ladies joined us. We had a nice time and there was lots of laughter and fun had. Everyone gave me a birthday card and they all paid for my meal, which was really lovely of them. Let's do it again ladies, but I'll pay for my meal next time!

I did a bit of shopping in the mall. Last night, Fumihiko brought over the heavy stuff to my school, but I didn't buy any coffee or tea yet. I got them today. I bought some instant coffee and a box of assorted tea bags. I also got some creamer and some sugar.

I came home for an hour and while I was there discovered a birthday card from my friend Janet (*waves*) and that a parcel had arrived, but was taken back to the post office. I'll try to get it tomorrow. I watched some of Medium from the weekend. It was -- okay. I think I need to see more. Maybe it's Patricia Arquette. I'm not sure if I like her or not. I also watched more of Cold Case than I should have. I was supposed to be getting to work.

I left and biked off to my school. Along the way, a stupid woman driver talking on a cell phone tried to run me over so I shook my fist at her. I wasn't impressed. Lady, YOU had the stop sign. I was on the main road. You shouldn't start out into the road until I passed you by. And, get off the cell phone. (Sounded like my rant, but it isn't yet!)

At the school I washed all the cups and saucers and the spoons and everything else for good measure. I had to rush around a bit to make sure that everything was ready for my first student. I just made it. 6:00pm. I was changed, coiffed (ooh, I've always wanted to say that!) and ready. She called to say she'd be a bit late! Oh well. I put a few finishing touches on my lesson and the classroom. Anyway, both classes that I had tonight went well, and both students partook of the "drink bar". I think they enjoyed it. My second student tonight even gave me a present...some flowers, a candle and some samples of fabric softener! Lovely. When my classes were finished I had a cup of coffee and did my paperwork. I texted hubby to see if he would like a coffee too. He wrote back that he has a cold. Poor thing.

He picked me up and seems to have a bit of a cold. He's coughing quite a bit. I'm hoping that he'll get over it soon and it won't develop into anything serious.

We went to Gusto for a quick and easy dinner. It was his turn to decide about dinner, and since he didn't prepare anything we went out. I had chicken and my favourite, popeye-egg. One day I'm going to figure out how to make it. We came home via the grocery store. Tomorrow we're going to have my version of tacos. Should be good.

We had a quiet evening at home really. I did the dishes I didn't do this morning, and made coffee. Hubby had his bath and watched a bit of Doctor Who with me. He thinks it's a kid's show. Harumph. He doesn't really get it. He does try though. He's in bed now getting some sleep. I'm glad because I think he doesn't get enough. I stay up later than him, but I sleep in later too, so it balances.

And's time for....The Daily Rant.

Spam email is one of those things that everybody rants about, and rightly so. However I just received a piece of spam that was even sillier than usual in my opinion. I got a nice polite letter from "Lloyds Bank" asking me to follow their links to confirm my account information and verify my account activity. There are a couple of things that set my spider sense tingling- so to speak, and here they are. 1) I don't have an account with Lloyds Bank. I don't live in the UK anymore so why would I? 2) Throughout the letter, Lloyds was misspelled. Even the salutation had it spelled wrong, "Dear Llyods TSB Bank Customer." 3) The bad grammar throughout the letter.

When I left my bank, all those years ago, we were just getting into internet banking so I don't have a lot of experience with it from the bank's point of view. But, I now have a little from a customers point of view. I've never received email from my own bank in Canada about anything! I even asked them (my ex-coworkers!) to email me about something and they said they weren't allowed to do that.

So, Mr/Ms Spammer, you'll have to find another victim. I'm not clicking on your links and I won't confirm my account information. I'm too busy setting up a bank account for my new friend in Sierra Leone whose father died and the government held all the money until I help him get it out of the country. Maybe then, I'll be able to set up an account at your institution with my reward money.

Night everyone!


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