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February 7, 2007 - Wednesday

Cold, with a bit of rain in the afternoon. Clear later on.

Today was an okay day. I got up quite early and watched the news. Yay. I vegged for a while before doing my usual daily stuff. I finished watching Medium. I'm just not sure if I'll like it. The episode I saw was the second part of a two parter. Maybe if I saw it all I'd like it more.

I headed out for my school a bit before 2. I got there at two and got to work. I vacuumed today and then got set up for my class. It went quite well. I left the school a bit after my class finished. As usual, I set my heater to come on prior to tomorrow's first class, just before I left the school.

When I got home I did computer stuff and answered the phone. The student that was supposed to come early tomorrow has rescheduled to Friday. It's not a problem, but I'd already set the heater. What to do?

When Hubby came home from work, I asked him to change right away. I wanted to go to the post office to get my birthday present. We went and I picked it up. After that, we visited a bulk food store supposedly for some school supplies, but it ended up that we bought stuff for our home instead. Oh well. We swung by the school so I could reset the heater.

When we came home I started cooking dinner. First I reheated the soup from last week, then I set the table and started washing lettuce. I made tacos. We had tacos with a daikon salad. It was an unusual combo, but it worked. The tacos were well appreciated. I used a couple of ground meats. In the store I got a mixture of beef and pork. To that I added some ground chicken. It meant that the meat wasn't terribly fatty. The chicken was all breast meat, so no fat there. It also made everything lighter tasting. It was good.

While I was preparing dinner I discovered that Sense and Sensibility was on so I watched it. Fumihiko half watched it, so I had to keep filling him in on what was happening.The problem was that it had been so many years since I'd either read the book or seen the movie that I couldn't remember everything. However, Emma Thompson was wonderful. Of course, the whole cast was...what a group of actors. Alan Rickman, Hugh Grant, Kate Winslet, Gemma Jones, Tom Wilkenson, Hugh Laurie. It was nice to see Alan Rickman in a movie as a romantic lead. Usually he's the villain. Hubby did the dishes after the meal and I settled down on the couch for the last 10 minutes of the movie. It was great.

We watched Desperate Housewives as is our custom. It was neat. A lot about Bree. She's now making a pass at her ex-AA sponsor. Susan and Carl are having interesting times with Edie. She found out about their re-marriage. And, Gabrielle and Carlos took the baby home from the hospital, illegally. Sigh. Wisteria Lane. What a place to live!

And that's it. Hubby's still a bit under the weather. He took some cold medicine so I hope he'll get a good night's sleep. I'm just afraid that I'm going to get it too. I usually do.

Now it's time for ....The Daily Rant

What bugs me about most hotels in Japan is that when my husband and I check in the hotel only gives us one key. This just isn't fair. I like to go off by myself at times and if hubby goes off somewhere else, one of us can't get back in the room. This happened to us at one of the hotels that we stayed at on Guam too. We were there for 3 or 4 nights. I wanted go shopping, hubby wanted to go sightseeing, but because we could only have one key we couldn't split up. And, yes, I did ask for a second key. It was refused, but no reason was given.

The worst time this happened to us was just after our honeymoon. I was jetlagged in a major way, hubby wanted to go drinking with his buddy. He took the key. That meant I was trapped in the tiny hotel room for hours. I couldn't even go downstairs and get a meal.

I'd like to know the reason behind the one room, one key policy. It might be okay for a one night's stay, but for longer, why not give both occupants of the room a key?



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