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April 1, 2007 - Sunday

Cloudy, a bit rainy at night.

A good day. Hubby had to go to work today, so he went off at his usual time and I slept for a couple more hours. I got up and did some computer stuff. I also watched last night's CSI: Miami. It was okay, if a bit sad.

Hubby phoned me around 1 to say he was finished work and was coming home. When he came home we had a little snuggle and then went out for lunch. After lunch, we went to the mall to see a movie.

Today's movie was The Holiday, with Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Jude Law and Jack Black. It was an okay rom-com. I didn't love it...Jack Black should not have been in this movie...but parts of the movie were very good. Some of the scenes with Cameron Diaz and Jude Law had the feeling of truth. I found it hard to believe that Kate Winslet would be in the position she was at the start of the film, but overall, quite liked her character. It's worth a look if you're a fan of any of the leads.

After the movie we drove to Sakata and had dinner at Naranda, the Indian restaurant. It was really good. I had tandori chicken and some curry. It was good, but at first the curry was too hot for me and I had a huge coughing fit. Hubby had shish kebab tandori and he said his was good too.

We came straight home afterwards and watched last night's Grey's Anatomy. It was a strange episode though, more of a "this season so far" kind of thing. Still, it may have helped hubby to understand it a bit more. He went off to have a bath and when he returned we watched The Libertine on TV. It's a Johnny Depp movie. It was strange. I loved the acting and the dialogue, but overall it was quite a downer! Too bad the Earl of Rochester didn't practice safe sex.

I was just setting up for my nightly homepage writing when Fumihiko announced that he was going to the grocery store. I was a bit nonplussed until he asked if I'd like to go too. I pointed out that he made it sound that he didn't want me to come at first.

So, 12:30 am we hit the local grocery store. I got stuff for tomorrow night's dinner, he got beer! We came back home and hubby had a beer and then fell asleep. I got some of my homepage written, then decided to prepare for the morning (in the hopes of waking someone up to go to bed!) I set the coffee maker and then got the garbage ready. Sigh. It did wake hubby up, so he went off to bed and is now fast asleep.

I'm rather tired so I think I'll retire soon too. I'll post this then say goodnight. Goodnight!


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