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April 5, 2007 - Thursday

A big mixture weather-wise....sun, rain, snow and clear.

I had a quiet morning, got up almost on time, watched some news. I did computer stuff for a while and then finally showered. Around 2:30 I made a quick trip to the post office to pay a bill for my school and mail a birthday card to a friend in Canada. I made a quick run to a convenience store after that to grab a milky coffee and a sandwich.

I came home, watched CSI and then Medium. While I watched Medium I made my lunch.

I went to the school around 5 and set up for the day, and tomorrow. I'll be a bit busy tomorrow, but it's a good thing. I am scheduled for 3 lessons plus I'm meeting two people after my last class. Wow. Yay me.

I stayed a bit late tonight too, preparing for tomorrow. Most stuff is already prepared, I just had to get a few things ready. I wasn't in any hurry to come home as I knew that hubby was out at a party tonight.

On the way home, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up things for tonight's dinner. I checked my phone and discovered that I'd missed a message from my husband. Oh well. When I got home I saw the lights were on and knew that he'd made it home before me.

I tried to get in the apartment but someone had barred himself in. Hmm! This morning he'd gone off to work and not locked the door after himself. Now, do you see the sense of that? Little old me, lying in bed, fast asleep, with an unlocked door, and then big burly him, wide awake, with a wife not home yet and the door is locked and the guard put across. Luckily I didn't get mad. Well, not too mad!

I ate dinner and started another novel. Tonight I was in Botswana, with The Kalahari Typing School for Men. Fumihiko was working and did not want to be disturbed. I couldn't find the magazine that I have been reading and didn't want to annoy him too much, so I grabbed my novel. It's lovely as always. This is an enjoyable series.

And that's really about it. Hubby has gone off to bed. I think he's feeling a bit better, but he has a nasty cough. I'm starting to worry that I'll get sick, but hopefully I won't.

Talk to you later! Night night.


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