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April 6, 2007 - Friday

Sunny and warm! A gorgeous day. (And about time too!)

I had the devil of a time getting up this morning. I just couldn't rouse myself. I got up to check the news, but it wasn't on....(I HATE baseball) and I somehow found myself back in bed. A bit after ten I remembered that The Sopranos were on, so I jumped out of bed and swore a bit! Luckily it started late, so I was able to watch/tape the whole thing. I made the bed, then showered.

I watched The Sopranos and did email stuff. Then I watched Wednesday's Without a Trace. It was interesting. By this time it was getting late and I had to run off. I hopped on my bike and went off. I stopped at a convenience store for a light snack for later, then hit my school and got busy.

I had three lessons today and they all went fairly well. My first student showed up almost 15 minutes early though. Ahh. Then, my last class ended at 6:50, and my visitors showed up at the same time. Ahhh! They were supposed to come at 7:00 pm. What is it with people coming early? I just don't understand. I hadn't even cleared my table yet. Still, it went quite well. One person wants to start studying soon, another is thinking about it.

After the visitors left, Fumihiko and I cleared up, I changed and then we went out for dinner. We went to Cocos. I had their teriyaki burger which was okay.

We came home via the grocery store and had some coffee. We didn't really do much for the rest of the evening. Hubby is mostly better now, but he's got a nasty cough.

And that's it for me. One of my lessons tomorrow has cancelled, so I'll likely use the extra time to update some of my financial stuff, or work on a craft or finish my book. I'm having problems getting it finished, although I'm enjoying it. Should be fun.

Talk to you tomorrow night most likely Night night.


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