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April 8, 2007 - Sunday

Sunny and warm.

I went to bed terribly late last night, so I got up terribly late today. The first time was around 12, and then the second (and final) time was at 2. I got dressed and we went out for lunch.

We were going to try a place we'd read about in a local magazine, but it was too late for their lunch service. They would give us tea or coffee, but that's it. I said no, and suggested Moku-Moku instead. We went there. It wasn't busy for a change, and we got in right away. We both had steak. It was, okay. A bit tough, but not terrible.

After lunch we hit the foreign foods store and then headed off to the mall. At the mall, I made Fumihiko go looking for shoes for himself. He's been wearing a ghastly pair of shoes that look like they'll fall apart at any minute. He got a nice pair of slip on shoes. I hope they will last the year out. He's so hard on his shoes.

We went to see Blood Diamond. I thought it was a very good movie. It wasn't quite in the league of The Constant Gardener, but it was good. diCaprio's Southern African accent wasn't bad, and Djimon Hounsou was good as always. I wrote about it on my moviepage.

After the movie Fumihiko wanted a massage. We went over to Jusco to see if he could get one, and he could. Yay. He had a massage and I hit the ladies clothing department. There was a lot of new stuff and I tried some of it on. Most of it fitted (yay!) but, most of it didn't look that good. I've lamented about it before, but Japanese clothing seems to emphasise the chest area on women, and personally, I want to minimize that area! It's all very fitted around the bust, and I hate that. I didn't find much, and was about to leave when I noticed some jackets. I'd said to hubby earlier that I had to keep wearing my winter coat because I didn't have a spring jacket. I looked at them, and in my size I had two choices, white or pink. Well, me in white is a disaster waiting to happen, so I chose the pink one. I also took a navy one in a size smaller just to try it. I liked the navy one, it fitted okay and all, but decided to get the pink one. It's easier to see at night. So, if I wear it on my bike I'd be more visible than if I was wearing the navy one. Hubby was due to finish at this time and so I went to meet him. I brought the jacket over, getting his approval....not that I needed it...and bought it.

We left the mall and hubby realized that he didn't have much money left. He suggested a gyudon shop for dinner, so that's where we went. It was okay.

After dinner, we went to a new second hand store that's opened up. It's open 24 hours a day! They sell clothes, otaku goods, used books, cds, game software, and dvds and videos. I ended up getting 3 videos and a dvd. I'm crazy. Still, these were movies that I liked and haven't seen other places.

We came home and spent a quiet evening at home, punctuated only by Fumihiko's incessant coughing and the beeping of the heater. Sigh. Hubby's finding it hard to sleep now. He's mostly better, but his cough has been really bad today.

Anyway, that's it for me. I'm tired and need to get off to bed soon. Night.


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