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April 7, 2007 - Saturday

Gorgeous sunny day today. All right!

I dragged myself out of bed this morning with only one purpose, to see if the news was on. It wasn't. I wanted desperately to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I had to stay up. I showered and then around 11, Fumihiko and I went to Gusto for our brunch. It was okay.

Hubby dropped me off at the school and I got busy. I'd left things mostly prepared for today's class, but I rechecked it. I also did a bit of cleaning. My class went well, I'm happy to say. My second class had cancelled the night before, but I wanted to use my "free" time to do some things in the school. I made tapes. I copied tapes that I use in my classes to make things a little easier. They're only for my use. I promise!

I planned a lesson for next week's children's class and then I did what I've been putting off for a couple of months. I started writing up this years income and expenses in my financial notebook. Things are going okay. Not great. Not bad.

I left the school around 5 tonight and I biked home. We'd left my bike at the school last night as it was dark and I didn't want hubby to fuss with it in the dark. I stopped in at the drugstore for more non-sugar chocolate and then came home. I arrived and checked my cellphone. Hubby had called. I called him back and asked where he was. He said he was at home. Hmm. I was at home! He was outside the apartment he said. He'd just arrived home. Just then, I heard the combo go on the door lock and hubby walked in, still talking to me on the phone! We rang off and then said hello!

We went to the Tonkatsu restaurant tonight for dinner. We had to wait for a really long time to get in, and we sat in the "porch" of the restaurant. It was so cold there. I started to feel incredibly cold and not very well if I'm honest. After a while, I told Fumihiko that I had to go inside the restaurant because I was too cold. For some reason, hubby has no concept of too hot or too cold, so he wasn't cold at all. Finally we got a table. We had a nice dinner, but for some reason Fumihiko always orders the same thing. This restaurant uses a lot of kanji in it's menu so I don't have much of an idea what the difference is between dishes. It's a bit annoying because I always end up ordering what he's having, even though I don't want to. He's not good at explaining my options. Sigh.

We had planned to go and see a movie tonight, but didn't finish at the restaurant until late, so couldn't go. We came home instead. At first hubby watched some awful Japanese stuff, then I made him shove over on the couch and let me sit down for my CSI double shot. They were both okay tonight. I'm so-so on the Miami one. I've been watching the last couple of episodes because they continue the story, rather than because I like the show. I do like a lot of the actors. There's the rub. I like New York much better. Of course, it has Gary Sinese, so that's a big plus. And it's in New York. Big big plus.

Around midnight I asked hubby if he wanted to keep viewing, but he didn't. I turned off the telly, and taped Grey's Anatomy. We'll watch it later.

Not too many plans for tomorrow. We're planning to go to a movie and Fumihiko has to vote in the Prefectural election. Other than that, I'm not sure!

Oh, I did finish my book today. It was Labyrinth by Kate Mosse. I liked it, but found it hard to get into at first. However, I'm glad that I kept at it. Part of the story covers a time that I don't know much about.

And that's it for me. Catch you tomorrow night? Bye for now.


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