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May 10, 2007 - Thursday

Sunny with a big thunderstorm in the late afternoon.

A pretty good day today. I could not get out of bed this morning. I'm not sure why. My painful spot has eased quite a bit so I'm able to sleep much better these days. I think it was just knowing that there was nothing good on the TV. Or something.

Finally got up, made the bed and showered. Talked myself out of doing laundry. Probably not a good idea that! I did computer stuff and watched yesterday's Without a Trace. I liked it and will have to make sure I watch it next week.

I made my lunch a bit early today and watched Friends while I did. Today I had a taco omelette and it was great. Very delicious. I used the some of the real cheese from last night and it made a big difference.

A little after 5 I headed off for the school. Of course, it had just started thundering and raining a bit. It wasn't too bad however and I made it safely to my school. I had a hard time getting in the right mental place to prepare for my class, but I finally did. After my student left, I did a bit of paperwork and then called hubby to get him to come and get me.

We hadn't bought dinner fixings for tonight, so we went to Marumatsu for dinner. It wasn't very good. Fumihiko had fish and it looked a bit suspect to me. He ate it and said it tasted okay, I sure hope it really was. I had ginger pork, which was so-so. Hubby's is much better.

After dinner we did a bit of a shopping run. Fumihiko is in charge of dinner tomorrow night. We're going to have yakiniku. My contribution will be a sliced up zucchini. Yum.

When we came home, I made popcorn and hubby got us some drinks. I had jasmine tea, he had some sports drink stuff. We sat down to watch Grey's Anatomy. Parts of this weeks episode were really sad, and parts were really dumb. Well, I'm not sure if the show was dumb or the characters were. Okay, on one hand there's a good looking doctor who's married, and on the other hand, there's a gorgeous widowed vet. Which one do you choose? Me, I'd take the vet. But the show's character? Well, I guess she isn't me. It was the season finale. I'm a bit sad that it's over, because it's one of the few shows that Hubby and I sit down to watch together. He likes a lot of Japanese shouting shows...or so called comedy shows (shudder) and I like detective shows. He hates detective shows and always tells me they're inaccurate. I know that, but just don't care!

Anyway, that's it for tonight. It was a good day. Tomorrow I'm a bit busier at work. I have 3 classes so I have to leave home in the early afternoon. Wish me luck! Night.


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