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May 24, 2007 - Thursday

Sunny and warm.

Today was a beautiful day weather wise. Absolutely gorgeous. Personally, more of a "meh" day.

I got up at a reasonable to me time, showered and then did a couple of loads of laundry. I also had to take the clean and dry clothes off my hanger first before I put the clean and wet clothes on, so it took a bit of time.

I watched last night's Without a Trace. It was okay. I cooked my lunch and read a bit of my book. I had a early class today, so I left the apartment at 1:00pm and made for the school. I had left most things ready for the student so I did a quick sweep, cued the tape and got dressed. When the time came for the lesson I waited for the student. And waited. After ten minutes I sent the student an email, but there was no answer. I thought that they might have made a mistake about the time, but didn't come later either. Sigh. I worked on some of my other classes and did some paperwork. And, I finished my Dick Francis novel today too. It was great, of course.

Around 4 I left my school and went for coffee. There's a coffee shop a few blocks away from my school. I went there with Fumihiko once to check it out and I decided to go there alone today. There was one other customer inside. It was nice and quiet, so I ordered an iced cafe-au-lait and enjoyed it over my Empire magazine. After I finished and paid, I went to a couple of stores to get some food for myself. At the drugstore I managed to find a lipstick that was in my price range (cheap) but still a good make and colour. I got a Maybelline. I'll try it out tomorrow. I have such a hard time buying lipstick. I usually don't get the right colour. Either too red or too pink. I need something in between I think. Although, the nicest lipstick I ever got was chosen for me by an artist friend. I'd never have picked it for myself, but she was right about the shade. It was a bright pink.

I went back to the school, ate and then prepared a lesson for my last class of the day. I still prepare one lesson ahead for her. We're almost finished the textbook. Yay us!

After my student's class, I cleaned up and called my husband. He came to get me. We had a decent dinner at Cocos, then came home via the grocery store. Fumihiko is going to cook tomorrow. Oh boy! I think he's doing fish and a stir fry.

We had a quiet evening here at home, except hubby had to watch the end of his Rocky movie. Tonight it was Rocky 3....that's the one with Mr. T if anyone cares. Then, he watched a documentary about a woman who took care of 12 or 13 children. I'd watched it before so I didn't really watch it this time, but hubby kept asking me silly questions and driving me a bit nuts.

Hubby darling is off to bed now, but is really restless. He has to work tomorrow but then is off for the next 3 days.

Tomorrow is the Tenjin Matsuri in Tsuruoka. I'm debating going to watch the parade. I liked watching it the few times I've gone. I guess it'll depend on the weather, and if I can find a good spot to watch it from.

And that was my day. Tomorrow should be fun I hope. Night night!


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