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May 25, 2007 - Friday

Cloudy all day, rainy at night.

A strange day really. I slept in a bit, then got up. I had planned to go to watch the parade's the Tenjin Matsuri in Tsuruoka...but it was so cloudy that I though it probably would rain on me. I stayed home and did laundry instead.

I ate a hearty brunch and while I was cooking and eating I watched some of Long Way Round, the show about a motorcycle trip around the world. It was quite interesting. Today was the wrap up and I wish I'd been able to see more of the show.

I headed off for my school just before 5 and went a different route than I usually do. When I was riding down one street, I felt misty rain all over me. A van had just passed me and the driver must have been spraying his windows as he passed. I wasn't too pleased to have window cleaner all over me. Bah.

I wasn't busy at work tonight. I had one class, plus 10 minutes. My first class wasn't that great. He started okay, but by the end was not so good. My other class was late. The student had told me she'd be late, but she ended up being later than she said. She only got 10 minutes of class time. I offered to shift the class time a bit so she'd get more, but she refused.

After class I called Fumihiko and got him to come and get me. We came home via the grocery store. I refused to go in. I didn't want to wander all over as usual. I stayed in the car and listened to Josh Groban.

At home, Fumihiko got busy. He wouldn't let me help, even though I offered. He made a pork stirfry, chawanmushi, and grilled some fish. He forgot about the fish until I reminded him! It wasn't a great meal. For some reason he'd added a lot of soup to the stirfry. It had bean sprouts in it anyway, so it would probably be a little liquid-y, but then he added dashi. It was okay. The chawanmushi tasted a bit odd to me. I think maybe the mushrooms were too old? I don't know. The fish was okay. So, sad to say, not one of his better efforts.

I did the clean up and as always happens, I had much more to clean than he ever has to do when I do the cooking! Fumihiko belongs to the school of thought that vegetable peels and bits of fish should get tossed in the sink, so I had to get everything out before I washed the dishes. Still, I did it.

The rest of the night I basically spent on my computer, while hubby watched inane TV. Later we watched the end of Star Wars, and he went to bed.

We both have busy days tomorrow. I have a couple of classes in the afternoon, hubby has to go to his mother's and walk the dog, take her to the doctor, take me to breakfast and then work, go to the dentist, pick me up after work, walk his dog again and then go to a party. Whew. I'm tired just reading all of that.

And that's it. I'm done for now. Night night.


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