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August 1, 2007 - Wednesday

Warm, sunny, gorgeous day.

Today was a pretty good day. I got up at a reasonable time and didn't go back to sleep. I watched the TV that I had taped last night and early this morning. Some of it was just repeats, so I didn't watch too carefully.

In the afternoon, I had a snack of some sausages and crispbreads, while I watched another episode of Corner Gas. Then, I went out.

I grabbed my bike and discovered that the brake cable wasn't where it was supposed to be. I wasn't sure if it was okay or not, but I put it back where I thought it went. I pulled the brake handle a couple of times and it worked, so I guess I did okay! Then I biked off.

I wanted to see if I could get my hair cut. When I got to my stylist's shop, it was empty. She was upstairs with her child I think. She came down a few minutes later and I asked if it was okay if I had a hair cut today. She said it was. By the way...her mother was also in the house, so the baby wasn't alone. I got another good cut today. I got the same style as last time, short and cute in my humble opinion. I think my hair is shorter than Fumihiko's now! Ha.

After I left her shop, I went to S-Mall for a few minutes and had an iced coffee drink and a ham and cheese bagel. I also read some of my new Jennifer Weiner. I'm now reading The Guy Not Taken. I like this author. This book is a collection of short stories, one of which I had read before in Redbook or Glamour, I'm not sure which. I liked it, so I'm glad to have the "real" version now.

I came home, and literally 5 minutes later, so did Fumihiko. He did some stuff for our trip next month, but then got himself all in a dither. He'd misplaced his wallet, for the 90th time this year! We searched everywhere, then he thought he must have left it at his office, so back he went. Sure enough, that's where it was. Honestly.... He came back a while later. He'd walked his dog too, so accomplished a lot!

I thought it was still too hot to have dinner, so we waited a while and spent some time together.

Tonight's dinner was quite simple...yakiniku. It was really good, but the apartment was so hot and we'd bought so much food that we couldn't eat it all! We had meat, veggies and salad, so not all meat. We left a little bit of meat for tomorrow. I'll probably have it for my lunch.

The rest of the evening we just spent relaxing. I watched a few minutes of YouTube videos, especially Gowan's Cosmetics and A Criminal Mind. Then, I clicked on one that caught my fancy, Paul Brandt singing "Alberta Bound". I nearly lost it. I'm a little bit homesick these days, and anything that reminds me of home makes me very very verklempt.

Which reminds me, I was checking out the CBC news website and they had clips from the big tornado that hit Edmonton 20 years ago July 31st (It's July 31st back home). I wasn't in Edmonton at the time, but I was in Camrose, working for the summer. Actually, I was in a car bound for Saskatoon, and the storm followed us all the way. One of our dorm mates was getting married on August 1st I think, and we were going to the wedding. It was a horrible trip. The sky was black and there was thunder and lightning. It was our driver's first major road trip and she was quite nervous. The tornado hit Edmonton in the afternoon, and killed about 15 people. The news clip on CBC showed a woman who had been rescued from the tornado when she was only a week old, meeting the police officer that saved her. It was hard for me to realize that it was so long ago too. 20 years? Wow.

And in other news, today would have been my Dad's birthday. He was quite a typical Leo.

That's it for tonight. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night!


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