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August 12, 2007 - Sunday

Hot and sunny.

It's been a mostly quiet week for me. Many students have taken holidays so I'm not overly busy at the school. Sigh. Good for them, not good for me!

One nice thing was the Hanabi in Tsuruoka on Friday night. I had to work until 6:50 and then I biked from my school to the river area. It took quite a while, mostly because there were so many people in the way. Fumihiko was a dear and got us good seating. I already posted a lot of photos to Flickr, so check them out. They were taken with my cell phone, so not the best quality, but over all, not too bad.

Today we slept in quite late and then got up and had a mini-fight, before going for lunch. We had lunch in Bronco. It was quite nice actually.

After lunch Fumihiko wanted to go shopping. He wanted some stuff for our trip. We went to a men's store and got him a nice jacket. The saleslady kept trying to sell him more stuff, and then got him to sign up for a point card. We were there for about 45 minutes. Yikes. I don't think I'm going to let him back in that store again!

We drove out to the mall and had a look through some other stores. He got a couple of pairs of shorts at Uniqlo, and then a nice pair of sandals at Jusco (AEON). I want him to wear all of them before we go so that he feels comfortable in them.

We went to see Ocean's Thirteen this afternoon. It was fun. It wasn't the greatest movie, but it was a pleasant time waster. I like caper movies, having been a huge fan of shows like MacGuyver or Remington Steele, so I enjoyed it.

We had dinner at Gyu-oh, then bought groceries and came home. It's been a quiet evening ever since.

That's about it for me. It really was a quiet week! Talk to you tomorrow, probably! Night.


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