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August 17, 2007 - Friday

Rainy, clearing in the evening.


A good day, if a bit quiet. I stayed home today! I didn't plan to really, but it was fine.

I didn't get up early, but so what! I opened the windows this morning and was delighted to find there was a slight breeze coming in. My side of the bed is under the open window so it was nice lying there with the occasional gust moving over me.

When I got up I did computer stuff and then more computer stuff. I watched a bizarre little movie on WOWOW about paparazzi. It was called Paparazzi too, so it was a fitting title. It was about an actor who has a few run-ins with the photographers so he gets his own revenge. It had a few cameos from really famous actors too. Not really recommending it, just mentioning it.

I had the rest of my lovely avocado at lunch today. I had it on a soy bagel with a bit of wasabi. Heaven.

Fumihiko came home around 6 today. He was tired and had a rest. I went in for a cuddle and it really helped. We've been at loggerheads lately, but this was nice. Just spending some time together and not fighting about anything. Yay.

We went for dinner to the yakiniku viking place. I usually call it the evil place, but it's getting better! When it first opened I hated it. It never seemed really clean. That's improved a bit, and it seems like the meat quality has too. It was hubby's request tonight and since he rarely suggests places to go, it was okay with me.

We came home and he went back to the bedroom. He's been sleeping for the last few hours. Poor thing must have been really tired. I'm a bit tired too, so I think I'll go and join him soon, and maybe get him to change into his jammies. He needs to get out of his jeans I think. How can he be comfy in them?

Tomorrow, I'm back to work. I've got two children's classes, then a dental appointment. I've been having toothache, especially when I drink something cold. I'm sure he's going to give me a lecture about taking out my wisdom teeth again, but I don't care.

That's it for me for tonight. Have a good one! Night.


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