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August 18, 2007 - Saturday

Sunny, cloudy, but no rain. A little cooler.


Mostly, a good day. I wasn't sure that it would be when I was awakened at 5:45 or so by someone stumbling back to bed. I don't know what it is about my hubby, but he is not quiet. Even in his own apartment he is always crashing into things. I woke up with a start and of course had a hard time getting back to sleep again. Sigh.

I dragged myself out of bed around 9:30 this morning. Fumihiko hadn't taken his mother or himself to the doctor so he was sitting in the living room. I turned on the light. I don't understand how he can sit in the dark, hunched over his computer! I showered and got dressed. We had breakfast at Cocos this morning. It was okay. I had ginger pork and hubby had curry udon. Mine was fine. The restaurant became quite busy just before we left.

My two classes went well. The children I teach on Saturday are a lot of fun and we had a good time. My first student of the day gave me a box of grapes and some Japanese vegetable.

After my last class, Fumihiko picked me up and took me to the dentist. Ack. I was quite nervous, but it went fairly well. I've been getting a bit of pain when I drink cold drinks and the dentist found 2 cavities. He fixed one today and he'll fix the other one next week. He did give me extra numbing....last time I asked for more because I always need it. I don't think he believed me until I nearly hit the roof when he started drilling. Today, no pain. Yay. Big time yay.

When we left the dentist, I wasn't ready to eat yet. My mouth was numb and even though I was hungry, I didn't think I could chew properly quite yet. Hubby dropped me at home and went to walk his dog. I sent along some of the grapes I'd gotten and some of the Japanese veggie. I asked Fumihiko to find out from his Mum how to prepare it, so maybe I'll give it a try!

After a couple of hours at home we went to the Tonkatsu restaurant. It wasn't a bad choice for me because they have free refills on miso soup and cabbage. That meant I could eat some fairly soft food. My mouth isn't sore, it just feels "different". I'll have to get used to this.

We didn't do much at home tonight. We watched a bad movie, for the second time. I had suggested 2 much better movies, but it wasn't my turn to pick. Unfortunately!

That's pretty much it for my day. It was a good one, and I enjoyed it. Except for the early wake up. And the dentist. But apart from that, it was okay.

Night night.


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