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September 22, 2007 - Saturday

Cloudy and rainy.


Today was a pretty good day over all. I got up at a reasonable time and had my shower. Fumihiko was out at the doctor and then his mother's, but came back in time to take me to brunch and work.

We went to Gusto for brunch and it was okay. I had chicken and it was good. After brunch, Fumihiko dropped me off at my school. I asked him today to please wait until he sees that I'm inside my school. He usually just drives off when I go up the steps. If I forget my keys or something I'd like him to be around. I just think it's a nice precaution anyway.

My first class went really well. The student is great and we work well together. For my second class, I cut the cards I made last night, and relaxed for a bit. Then I waited for my students to come. Then I waited some more. At about the 5 minute mark I called my husband to see if there were any messages at home, but he wasn't there. Then, I tried to call their mother, but didn't get an answer. What happened? After a while I realized they weren't coming.I waited, but nothing. However, right before the class-time was over, the doorbell rang and their mother came in. I'm not sure who was more surprised, her or me! She'd been in another city and someone from her family was supposed to bring the children, and she would pick them up at the end. I hadn't seen them so we were both rather bemused.

A bit afterwards, Fumihiko came and picked me up and we went to a gyudon shop for a bite. It wasn't bad, but sadly they don't have their diet version anymore. I liked that. We did a quick trip back to our apartment, and then went back to my school.

Long story shorter, it looks like I'll be getting a new student in October. I'm glad.

Fumihiko and I came home after our meeting. I checked email and then went for a snuggle. I came out to the living room, but Fumihiko fell asleep and has been sleeping since before 10 pm. I think it's good for him. We were supposed to go out and get dinner later though, but if he's sleeping I guess we won't. I watched my 3 programmes on WOWOW tonight, CSI, Cold Case and Project Runway. The latter one was the show where they ask all the designers about their experiences. It was interesting, and quite funny.

Anyway, that was my day. It wasn't bad at all. Tomorrow, I'm not sure what's going to happen!

Gotta go. Night night!


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