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September 21, 2007 - Friday

Hot and sunny, very humid too.


Today was odd. Fumihiko got up at his regular time, but I'd managed to stay up late last night, so I was almost back to my old schedule. I was sleeping when the phone rang. It was a person talking about scheduling a meeting with me for tomorrow. I let her know that I thought it was a bit too early to be calling...7:30? I don't think so. I went back to bed and dozed for a bit. I finally got up, and was drifting through the apartment in my nightgown when the door rang. No problem usually, I just ignore the doorbell right? Except, there were three men out there and I knew somehow (can you say monitor?) that they were the men who came to inspect the fire alarms in the apartment. Oh good grief. I sneaked over to the door and threw the latch over, I did NOT want them walking in on me. We were away last week and probably missed the memo that is circulated about the visit. I threw on some clothes, and let them in. They were calling my hubby to get him to make me open the door! All I had hoped for was a bit of notice so I could clean up a bit.

The three of them came into the apartment. Now, I'm not really comfortable with one strange man in my apartment, so you can imagine how I felt with three guys at once. Not happy. Whatever. Everything worked. Unfortunately our apartment is a bit of a tip right now. Sigh. I'll likely be known around the city as the gaijin who doesn't clean. Well, I guess if the shoe fits.....

Later in the day, I went to the post office and mailed off a T-shirt to my nephew. In May Fumihiko and I had bought my niece and nephew each a t-shirt at Disneyland. My nephew loved his, but it was stolen in August. I have a friend who was nice enough to pick up a new shirt for me on her last trip to Disneyland, so I wanted to get it sent off as soon as possible. After I took care of that, I went to a convenience store for some tea and sandwiches, then came home again.

During the morning I watched a couple of episodes of Numb3rs. One of my best friends is always urging me to watch the show. I liked it very much. The actors are good and the plotlines are quite intelligent. I'm not sure if I'll like it as much as she does, but you never know.

I went off to work a bit before 5. My school was really hot again. It's a good thing that I get there so early because I have to blow dry my hair every day. It was dry, but the humidity and me sweating (glowing?) makes it soaking wet. Bleck. I went over my lesson plan again, and discovered a game that I could play with my student, so I prepared some cards for it. The lesson went quite well. He wasn't on his best behaviour, but he wasn't too bad. He even got the game. It was a rhyming game. It's been my experience that students "get" beginning sounds of words being the same, but they don't "get" the ending sounds as easily. However, after only two examples, he got it! Yay!

I got him scooted out the door after his class and started to do a quick clean up for my next student. However she called to say that she couldn't come tonight. I didn't waste the time though, I used it to prepare for my lessons tomorrow. I made more cards and I sorted out some things that I needed for my class. Good for me.

After 8 I sent Fumihiko a text message to see where he was. He was on the way home, so he detoured and picked me up. We came home first and he took a quick shower. When he was all fresh and clean we went out to Cocos for dinner. He had a Japanese style meal and I had a gorgonzola burger. I now officially have dragon's breath again!

We came home and had a quiet evening. Fumihiko went to bed a while ago. His back and shoulder are still bothering him. He's going to go to the doctor tomorrow morning so I hope that he'll be okay.

Oh, and this was also the day of the Preying Mantis. I saw one when I took my bike out to go to the post office. I took a few snaps, and I posted the best ones on Flickr. I saw another one on the road on the way to the post office. It's neat. I don't think I ever saw one in Edmonton or on the farm. I doubt they can survive Alberta winters.

Anyway, that's it for me. I had a mostly good day, but it began oddly! Night night.


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