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September 23, 2007 - Sunday

Sunny and warm. Nice day.


I got to sleep in this morning, in a way. Fumihiko got up early, went to his Mum's, then came back here and took all of our ice out of the fridge. Sigh. Of course he was noisy about it too! After he left, I got up, checked email and went back to bed. He came back from the wrestling club a bit after twelve. I was awake, but just barely.

We had brunch at Bronco's, the steak restaurant. There were only two men working today and they were quite busy. I felt sorry for them.

After our meal, we drove out to the mall. I had some clothes that I wanted to have shortened at the sewing and alteration place. I thought I had five pairs of pants, but when I tried on one pair it looked fine! Oh well, a little bit cheaper then. I tried on four pairs of pants and got them measured. They'll be ready by Friday. Fumihiko can pick them up after his work I think.

Hubby decided he'd like a massage at the place in the mall so we checked them out to see if they had a time slot for him. They did, in 15 minutes. We went for a quick drink to Mr. Donuts, but it really wasn't that quick. The mall was packed today. He left me with the tray to clear and went off to his appointment. I didn't mind too much. My free time.

I went upstairs again and had a snoop through the women's clothing, but didn't see anything I liked enough to try on, then another snoop through the craft department. That was fun. I think I like the possibilities there more than anything. I mean, if I buy hook A and yarn B, who knows what might happen? I love touching the wool and yarn. Some of the fibers they have in the stores here are so soft and interesting. But, I don't have a lot of time because I spend it all on my computer!

After 30 minutes I went over and picked up my husband. He was looking a bit easier, so I was glad for him. We went into Seattle's Best Coffee to pick up some decaffe for the week and he had a drink too. I didn't want one.

We decided to see a movie today, and went to Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. It was silly but fun. We had free movie passes so we used those, and I bought the popcorn. Fumihiko brought it into the theater on a special tray that fitted into the drink slot. It seemed like a good idea, until he knocked over his popcorn twice. He didn't just knock it over, he kind of knocked it so that it flew at me. Now, it was popcorn, so it didn't hurt, but it was annoying. I realized after I yelled at him that he really couldn't help it. The tray was on his bad side and he was trying to grab it, not bat it at me! I apologized for losing my temper, and we watched the movie. It was okay. I hope that Ioan Gruffudd gets some better roles soon though. He's a great actor and I'd be sad if the only thing North Americans knew him for was Fantastic Four.

After the movie we didn't really know what to do, so we went to Sakata and had dinner in the Indian restaurant. It was nice. We both had tandori. I had chicken, Fumihiko had shish kebab. The restaurant was quite crowded tonight, but we got our food quickly and enjoyed our meal.

On the way home, we stopped at the mall again to get some groceries. I'd noticed earlier that they had blueberry bagels at the bakery, and it's also the only place I can get whole wheat bread. For good measure I picked up some German style bread too, but I put that in the freezer when I got home. I can't eat all that bread at once.

We came home and had a very quiet evening again. Fumihiko has since fallen asleep on the couch and I've been messing around on my computer for the last few hours. It's been nice.

Tomorrow? Who knows? Fumihiko wants to go to the museum, and I want to go to karaoke. We haven't gone in ages. We'll see what happens. Talk to you tomorrow night. Night!


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