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October 4, 2007 - Thursday

Cloudy and finally rainy.


A pretty good day today. No near misses, thank goodness.

I got up this morning, watched the news and was just going to take a shower when I realized that 30 Days was on. Today's topic was quite interesting, so I decided to watch it. I hadn't taken my shower yet and I was still in my nightie. I was watching the show for a bit when I heard the door open. It was my husband. He had taken the morning off work and had gone to the doctor's office. He came in, drank some coffee and watched the show with me. When it finished I showered and then it was time for him to leave for work.

In the afternoon I got busy. I had to do the cookin'. I cleaned out the veggies that had been in the fridge for a while, and I chopped up the usable parts, sauteed them a little and put them in my slow cooker. I had lots of onion, cabbage and hacksai, then some thawed frozen veggies, and some chopped up sun dried tomatoes. On top of all of that, I put the four chicken breasts, then covered them with a mixture of cream of mushroom soup and some canned mushrooms. I put the lid on, set it to high for an hour then turned it down to medium. It was that easy. It took a long time. It didn't have to, but I've discovered that it tastes a bit better if I lightly saute the veggies before I put them in the slow cooker. The asparagus doesn't get so woody that way.

I had a lovely lunch today of a ham and cheese and mushroom omelette. It was yummy. I had some of my nice German bread that I got at the mall last week too. (It had been in the freezer.)

I set off to the school around 5. I was a bit worried when I saw the dark clouds overhead. I got more worried when I felt a few drops of rain, but luckily the rain held off until I was at my school. I relaxed for a while, then prepared stuff for tomorrow's lessons and one for today's class, but in the future. My student and I had quite a good class. We talked about ordinals and the prepositions in, on and at relating to dates. It's a bit tough. I imagine for her it's a bit like Japanese particles are for me! (And that would be horribly confusing!)

After work, I did my paperwork and cleaned up. Then I called Fumihiko. He came for me and got quite wet putting my bike in his car. Poor thing. We came home and I got dinner on the table. Fumihiko made coffee. Yay. So, tonight we had my veggie-chicken stew plus daikon salad. It was good! The chicken breasts were really tender. I could cut mine with my fork. Fumihiko said it was good too.

We had a quiet evening at home. I feel like even though it rained today, it's quite warm. I opened the balcony window to get some air in the room. It's stuffy!

And that was my day. It was nice to be able to put dinner on the table with out cooking something first tonight. I love my slow cooker! Did I ever mention that??

Night night!


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