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October 3, 2007 - Wednesday

Warm and sunny.


Today was mostly good, which is nice. I deserve a good day. I did have a lucky escape on to find out about it.

This morning when I was hitting the snooze button on my cell phone, I started having a dream. The weird thing is that it was about my banking days. I haven't thought about them in years, so it was a bit weird to have dreams of counting money and opening safes. I got up, watched the US news and something else, then took another nap. Sigh. Still, it was nice. I went to bed very late last night.

When I got up I had a bagel. Fumihiko had picked up a couple of blueberry bagels for us at the mall. It was nice. I don't usually have breakfast. I watched a bit of Dreamer, a movie on WOWOW. Yes it was a Dakota Fanning movie, but I prefer to think of it more as a Kurt Russell movie. I rather liked it. What is it about Kurt Russell? He's such a good actor that he can just be plopped into movies any old way and he pulls it off. Mind you, I haven't seen his latest Tarentino one...yet!

After a brief lunch, I went to the post office to mail a letter and to buy new revenue stamps. I had just turned down one of the little narrow roads on the way when a bug flew in my eye. Ouch. I kept biking, but slowly for a while, but finally stopped to try to get it out. I don't carry a mirror in my purse, so I didn't want to go poking around in my eye. Yuck. I'm very squeamish about eyes. Luckily, I saw a mirror that someone had fixed up to be able to check on traffic on their road before they drove their car out. I stopped, got up close and personal to the mirror and saw a little black speck along my lower lash line. I took it off and went on my way. The post office wasn't busy so I was in and out in record time. On the way back, I saw one of my students. He was with his friends and said "Hi" to me. We had a mini-conversation. It was nice. Sadly, I bet in 3 more years he'll pretend he doesn't know me if we meet up like that!

Then, instead of going home, I went to the grocery store then my school. I didn't really do anything at the school, just was present for a bit. I read some of my book about English, then I started Ken Follett's Whiteout. It was very exciting. I'm looking forward to getting into it. (Oh, while I remember, I finished my Janet Evanovich today too. It was a hoot, as always.)

I came home and spent quality time on my Mac. Fumihiko came home briefly, and then later stayed for a bit. We went out for dinner around 7 tonight to the tonkatsu restaurant. It was very nice, and we enjoyed our meal. We were going to just drive to the grocery store when I asked if we could go for coffee instead. So, Fumihiko turned down the right street and got a good parking space just outside the mall.

We had our coffee, or in my case Royal Milk Tea, and it was yummy. This coffee shop doesn't sweeten the Royal Milk Tea, so it was really just like tea with milk. Good stuff. After our drinks, we went to the mall's grocery store. I got chicken breasts for dinner tomorrow night. I got extra too, so hopefully we can have leftovers on Friday night. I may have to transform them to another form for my husband, but it should take less effort than cooking 2 separate meals. I'm planning to put them in the slow cooker. With some frozen veggies. Any other ideas?

We left the mall, a few meters behind a woman. She was going in the same direction as we were. We were parked up against a railing, and like most people had backed into our space. Fumihiko, for some reason, decided that it would be a good idea to go behind the parked cars. We went behind 2 cars, and just as I had cleared the second car, it shot backwards, going over the tire stopper and almost hitting the railing. If I'd been one second slower, I'd be toast. My guardian angel must have been working overtime tonight. I heard the car back up, turned around and at the same time the woman stopped the car, and saw me. I think she was more rattled than I was. I'm pretty sure that she hit reverse instead of drive! I told Fumihiko that I didn't think we should walk behind the cars anymore, he said he did it because he thought it was safer than going in front of the cars. Umm...maybe not.

We came home and had a mostly quiet evening at home. I made some coffee, and at 11 we snuggled in for the new season of Desperate Housewives. It was scary/cool/funny. I'm interested in how this new Bree storyline is going to go. I'm a huge Kyle MacLachlan fan, so hope that he's not going to be the baddie. Right now, it looks like he is going to be.

That's about it for my day. It was good, but almost didn't end that way. Lucky me! I guess I should buy a lottery ticket or bet on a horse. Night night!


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