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October 29, 2007 - Monday

Sunny, with a bit of rain at the end of the day.


Well, I'm back, complete with a cold. Bleck. I'm not a happy camper as my nose is running and my throat is sore. Hopefully it won't develop into anything worse.

The Teacher's Expo was overall really great and I enjoyed meeting other teachers and seeing new texts, and also hearing how to use some of them. It was nice for a change of pace for me.

I also did a bit of shopping, and finally got Fumihiko an Anniversary gift. I got him a flannel shirt, 3 pairs of socks and a dvd/cd mix that I'm sure I'm going to regret giving to him. I gave him a dvd of the "Oshiri" song, other wise known as the "Bum-biting Bug" song. It's an only in Japan kind of thing (I hope, for the sake of the rest of the world). Anyway, he likes the shirt and the socks so that's a good thing. I got his birthday present too, but he'll have to wait for next month for that.

I got a bit of foreign food at the foreign foods store...some magazines, but no books, and a few cds too.

When I left here on Saturday it was pouring with rain. Sendai was almost worse than here! I had quite a walk with my suitcase in the rain. One long walk from the Bus dropoff point to the train station, then another from the train station to the hotel. I got soaked, and part of my suitcase got wet too.

Today, after I checked out of the hotel, I came to downtown Sendai and put my bags in a locker. I went shopping after that. I did a lot of looking, and not so much shopping. That was a good thing. I took lots of rest breaks as I wasn't feeling that well.

I had Indian food for lunch, which was lovely. I had tea in a couple of places, and when I needed a break from walking and people, I went up to the observation deck of a building and vegged for a while. Overall, I had a good time, but this cold isn't a good thing.

I got home right on time tonight, Fumihiko picked me up at the bus stop. The bus driver tried to give me the wrong suitcase, because my case had ended up on the far side storage area. Poor guy had to get in there and fish it out for me!

Hubs and I had dinner at Gusto and then came home. He's got a cold too, so we're both miserable. I'll take some medicine soon, and hopefully that will help me sleep okay.

Anyway, that's my brief version of the weekend. It was pretty good...but I'm sick and miserable now! Night night.


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