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October 30, 2007 - Tuesday

Cloudy, with a bit of rain.


I slept in today, and it was great. I missed my usual lie-in this weekend and I wanted to "make-up" for it. Yay. I did wake up a couple of times, but didn't really get up until 11:30 or so. Hubby was at home today too, so he just relaxed on the chesterfield and watched the dvd I gave him on his computer.

We had a quick lunch at the Daiichi hotel and then after buying more lotion tissues at the grocery store there, we came home. I relaxed for a while, but then got ready for work. Fumihiko drove me to my school and I got busy. I did a lot of stuff in a short time. I had to vacuum today. I hadn't planned on it at first, but then I saw a couple of dust bunnies so decided I'd better. I did a few other quick things around the school and then my student came. We had a good lesson today, but as he was leaving I called him by his brother's name...Ack. I used to teach his older brother at my old school...the two are NOTHING alike, so it was quite embarrassing. I'm blaming my cold for the slip!

My other lesson went quite well. The student HAD done her homework and it showed. Things went a lot smoother than usual and we even went a little overtime. I hadn't realized the time.

I cleaned up and changed, and then asked Fumihiko to pick me up. Tonight we went to Cocos for dinner where I had carbonara. I really wasn't that hungry, but I did eat everything. When I have a cold I'm don't really care about food that much. At least that's what I'm saying right now! Fumihiko wasn't in the best of shape either. His cold seems quite different than mine. I have a runny nose and a bit of a cough, he has a headache and seems a bit clammy at times. Both of us sick. Yuck.

We came home via the grocery store. We got a few things, plus things to make tomorrow night's dinner with. It looks like it'll be chicken again. I like chicken. Have you noticed??

That was it. We spent a quiet evening at home. We watched a little tv, but nothing too special was on.

Tomorrow I have an afternoon class, so I'll have to get up on time tomorrow and get ready for work. Wish me luck!

Night night.


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