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November 20, 2007 - Tuesday

Rainy with clear patches. Chilly.


A pretty good day today. I got up early, watched the news and a really interesting documentary about a small medical center at the base of Mt. Everest. I showered, did my usual stuff. I had my brunch around 2:30 and then went to my school.

I hit a drug store on the way to my school trying to find some of my non-sugar chocolate, but I couldn't find it. It's so sad.

My classes went well. I had a new student start in one class, so it was interesting to see the way the students worked with each other. I had a lot of prep to do after the class, so I did it, then called Fumihiko to come and get me.

We had an okay dinner at Cocos. Nothing special really. After we hit the grocery store on the way home. I got some cheese and ham for my omelettes, Fumihiko got beer.

We came home and vegged for a while. We watched Jamie Oliver's show. It was quite interesting. We're now watching Drugstore Cowboy, although I'm not paying as much attention to it as I should. It's really late so I'm trying to get Fumihiko to go to bed. He's not co-operating though.

Well, that's it. My day. It wasn't bad, wasn't great. Just okay. Tomorrow I have plans for coffee and then an evening out. I'll keep you posted. Gotta go. NIght night.


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