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November 19, 2007 - Monday

Cooler, bit of snow on the ground.


Today was odd. Last night I had another no-sleeping night. I did finally fall asleep but it took me a long time.

I got up early this morning and planned to watch the news, except it wasn't on. Sigh. I did watch some other things on the TV and kept putting off my shower. That's why I was a bit dismayed when Fumihiko came home. He was here to pick something up, but he had it in the car all along. Sigh. Then, he asked me if I had any glue. I had just bought some, so I opened the package and caught my left middle finger on a staple. I'm not likely to die from my wound, but it does make typing painful.

After he left I took my shower and a bit later made my own lunch. I was planning to go out but didn't. It got dark so fast today and with the snow out there I decided it was better to stay home.

When Fumihiko came home he watched news in Japanese for a while, then fell asleep on the couch for two hours! I wasn't too impressed honestly. I groused for a while, then decided to make dinner.

I cooked the miso pork that we bought yesterday. I didn't do the gyoza though because someone put them in the semi-frozen part of the fridge. Dinner was pretty good. So, we had miso pork and caesar salad. Fumihiko pleaded tiredness and said he was going to bed. I asked him to help me order some Christmas Cards on the net first. I told him if he did that, I'd do the dishes. I did, but he didn't go to bed. Hmm. He did help me with the cards though.

We had a quiet evening. I'm listening to CBC radio podcasts and Fumihiko is watching something on the TV. It's about India...and looks quite interesting. Too bad I can't understand it.

Anyway, it was a really quiet day today. Tomorrow I'm back to work. Looking forward to it. Wish me luck! Night night.


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