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March 3, 2008 - Monday

Rainy in the am, clear at night.


Today was a good day. It was very quiet. I got up and thought about going out but it was raining. Then, I decided to stay home for a while and never left!

I took a nap in the afternoon and was woken up by my husband, coming home to get a map that he needed. I felt kind of bad that he caught me sleeping. Oh well. I'm sure he naps on Saturday's when I'm at work!

I made myself a quick lunch in the later part of the afternoon and watched CSI and then Medium. They announced on the channel that they'll put on the next series of Medium soon. I'm rather glad about that.

Fumihiko came home and we went out. We had a few errands to run. We went to a drugstore to get my sweetener for coffee and also a couple of things for the house. While we were there I also got him to sign me up for their point card. I go there a lot as it's near my school, so I might as well get something for it!

We swung by my school so I could set the heater for tomorrow, then had dinner at Hana, the Japanese restaurant nearby. I suggested it because I know that Fumihiko likes it. I however, do not. It's not that the food is bad or anything, because it isn't, I just don't like how my husband acts when he's there. He usually reads the entire fish menu to me. ACK. I am from a very landlocked area of Canada. Although I like fish, I really find that once or twice a month is enough for me. I don't care about fish and I can't really tell the difference between different fish. However, I managed to stop him at the pass as it were, and didn't let him read the entire menu to me. He was all set to read the meat menu to me then but I didn't need it. It's so annoying. I will ask him if I have questions about the kanji or the menu, but he has to be the big guy and read the whole thing. I had tonkatsu and it was okay. It really wasn't that good. I didn't eat the rice either. Oh, and that's another thing I don't like about Hana. They give men and women different sizes of rice bowls. Isn't that a bit sexist? I don't eat the darn stuff, but if I wanted to I could eat just as much as a man could.

We came home and had a quiet evening in. At 11 we thought that Ugly Betty would be on, but it wasn't. Oh no! It was Shoji. So, I asked Fumihiko if he'd like to watch some of Corner Gas, so I put that on. It was so funny. We watched 2 episodes before he went off to bed.

Now I'm thinking that I need to get myself off to bed soon too. I have an early class tomorrow and I'd like to make a good impression on my student. It's her first class so I think being awake would be a good idea!

Oh, just wanted to say that I've finally watched the videos that Sarah Silverman and Matt Damon, and Jimmy Kimmel and Ben Affleck did and they were so funny. They are NOT safe for work, or kiddies, but a hoot. If you don't mind that kind of thing. Obviously, I don't! I won't link to them but if you want to, you can find them.

Night night!


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