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March 19, 2008 - Wednesday

Clear and sunny.


I stayed up quite late last night and decided that I would sleep in this morning. And no wonder! It was lovely quite honestly. I didn't have an alarm on, I just got up when I felt like it.

However, when I got up, I didn't feel all that well, so I took another couple of hours on the couch! I felt marginally better after that. I had a headache for a lot of the afternoon.

I even did a bit of housework...not a lot you understand, but a bit. I swept the floors, which was sorely needed!

Fumihiko had said he'd be home late, but he wasn't really. We talked about where to go for dinner and decided on Cocos, but it was busy so headed over to M's Dining. It was busy too, so we got a table opposite the door. After another table left Fumihiko asked if we could move because I was get blasted with cold air every time the door opened.

We came home and had a quiet evening in. It really was quite quiet. After midnight we watched an odd movie with Helena Bonham Carter (are there any other kinds with her in them?) and now Fumihiko is watching Strings. I'd love to watch it, but it's been dubbed into Japanese. I think it's originally Danish or Swedish. I'm sure it's a SMAP guy doing one of the voices.

Anyway, that's my day. I've just finished The Subtle Knife, but because it was after midnight, I'll do my review tomorrow night I think. I was a bit disappointed not to go out of town tonight, but Fumihiko doesn't seem to be feeling that well. Sigh.

Got to go. Night night.


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