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March 20, 2008 - Thursday

Cloudy, but no rain.


I finished my book last night and then blogged before going to bed. I was very late, but so was Fumihiko as he didn't work today either. I slept in quite late, mostly because we hadn't finalized any plans and I refuse to get up early unless we're going to do something.

When I did get up, Fumihiko started to watch Snakes on a Plane. I was hoping the news was on, but when I switched channels it wasn't so I turned back to the movie. It wasn't bad. I didn't watch it closely but it had a few yuks.

We had lunch in Cocos today and I tried a new dish, the chicken salad. It was really good. I will definitely have it again. It's a salad with some chicken breast, 2 types of dressings and a big garlic stick. Very nice, and just perfect for lunch. While we were eating I asked Fumihiko what we should do for the day, and out of the blue he suggested going to the beach. Of course I said yes, and after buying gas, that's what we did.

It was a good time to go to the beach. It was a little cold so most people wouldn't go there (although there was one crazy guy trying to snorkel). We had the shore to ourselves and we walked along looking for nice shells or pretty bits of sea glass.

After the beach I suggested coffee somewhere, so Fumihiko drove us to Mikawa and we went to Mr. Donuts in the mall. We had some chat and coffee, it was nice, no big whoop!

Fumihiko was a little hungry afterwards so he suggested going for dinner in Sakata. It was a good idea. We went to a place we've gone once before. This time we tried the teppanyaki room. We had it to ourselves! We had sirloin steak and it was cooked in front of us. We also had soup, dessert and coffee. I had rice tonight, for the first time since I was at Yannis in Edmonton. It was fried garlic rice and it was nice. I didn't eat all of it, I was a little afraid how all that rice would affect my system, but what I had was good.

We came home after dinner, the long way. Fumihiko took us for a drive through parts of Sakata that we rarely go to, and it was pleasant.

We had a quiet evening at home too. Neither of us did much. There wasn't anything interesting on TV either, so I spent most of the evening on my computer.

Tomorrow I'm back to work, with two classes in the evening. I hope the weather holds, I hate bicycling in the rain!

Night night!


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