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March 18, 2008 - Tuesday

Warm and sunny.


Today was a busy day! I woke up and got up in time to watch the news. I took a shower soon afterwards. I just wanted to give my hair time to dry properly.

I had a quiet morning at home. I relaxed, read blogs and then around 1 I made my lunch and then got ready to go. I had sorted out my clothes earlier so I didn't have to do that. I made good time over to the school and didn't have any near-death experiences today! At the school I parked my bike and then made the stupid mistake of trying to straighten my bike light. It came off in my hands. I've completely broken the plastic grooves that keep it on my bike. Sigh. I brought the light in to the school, threw it in a drawer to deal with later and got to work.

In the 45 minutes or so before my class was supposed to start I changed, dusted, set up the hot water for drinks, vacuumed and checked my class stuff. Whew! I was busy. Finally I was ready.

My first student was a little late though. Ack. She didn't really give me a good explanation. I had to tell her that I couldn't give her more time today because I had another class booked.

I actually had 3 classes in a row tonight and then another class a bit later. One of my students in the later class had cancelled so the other student and I had a nice class, but did a reading lesson rather than the one I'd originally planned. My two children's classes of the day went well. I think this was the busiest day I've had so far at my school. I may have had a Saturday with 4 lessons, but I'm not that sure.

After my last class I finished up quickly and headed out. I took my bike light and about 20 rubber bands and used them to attach my light to the bike. It seemed to work rather well. It was even better than the original fixture I think. I set off for the drugstore and got there 15 minutes before closing, so not bad. I got my stuff, sweetener for my coffee, then paid and left. After that I was debating where to go with myself. I could go to one restaurant that was comfortable for me, or I could go to one that had the dish I wanted! I finally decided to go to in search of the dish I wanted. It was okay, but not great. Still, I enjoyed my dinner. I had carbonara with a hamburger patty on it. It was okay. I headed back to the grocery store, got a few more things and then came home.

I had a quiet evening in. I watched the end of some regular stuff on TV. Sneakers was on, then I watched Criminal Minds (I keep expecting Gowan to make an appearance on that show, but he never does!) I was at a loss for something to watch but discovered that The Queen was on WOWOW again, so I watched it again. It's an amazing feat of acting that Helen Mirren does. I think I'm glad that I wasn't in Britain when Diana died. I was here and it seemed overwrought even here.

For my blogging time I've been watching a video of Duran Duran videos that I bought ages ago and never watched. I loved Duran Duran, but was a little surprised to see that they had a lot of nudity in their early videos.

And that's my day. I miss Fumihiko but it's nice to have the apartment to myself for a while. I've been able to do a bit of reading at odd moments and I can watch what I want to watch on the TV.

I'm not sure if I'll be blogging tomorrow night or not. Probably, but there is a chance that I might have other plans. Catch you sometime soon I hope! Night.


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