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March 29, 2008 - Saturday

Cloudy and cold.


A pretty good day really. I got up early ish, showered and watched some TV. Fumihiko came home and at 11 we went out for brunch.

Fumihiko dropped me off at work around 12 and I got busy. My classes all went quite well today so when the last one finished I felt good! I spent a few minutes relaxing and then I did my paperwork and washed dishes.

Fumihiko picked me up and we went out for dinner to Jiro. I was starving! My stomach was growling during my last class, so I needed to get some food. I had carbonara. Yum.

We came home and watched a movie. Tonight we watched an old Johnny Depp Movie, one of the ones where he played a regular guy. It was Nick of Time. It wasn't bad. I had seen it before, but Fumihiko hadn't. He said he liked it. After that, I started watching my regular TV shows, CSI: New York, Grey's Anatomy and Project Runway. Project Runway was great, but right at the very end, Fumihiko came back from his bath wanting a bandage. He'd cut his finger and couldn't find them. Of course, I had to go and search them out. They were right where I'd left them!

Anyway, that was my day. It wasn't bad at all. I quite enjoyed it. Tomorrow I'm off, and hopefully I can sleep in a little. That's it for me. Night!


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