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April 23, 2008 - Wednesday

Sunny and warm day. Nice.


I got up at my usual time, went through to the living room, checked the telly--nowt on, then promptly fell asleep on the couch for two hours. Good grief. I was really surprised when I woke up and it was close to noon.

When I woke up I dressed and made the bed. Then I did a lot of computer stuff and email reading.

I knew that Fumihiko would be late tonight so I went out just a bit before 5 and went to the mall. I got a couple of things for the school and a couple of boxes for our new years cards. Every year we get a lot and Fumihiko always wants to keep them. Unfortunately they are spread out all over the place. This way we can keep them all together. After that, I went downstairs and had an iced cafe mocha and a chicken sandwich. I ate, drank and read more of my African novel. Wonderful.

I left the mall about 6:15 or so and it was still light outside. Hurray. I turned on my light anyway, it's not very bright right now, but better safe than sorry. I got home rather quickly and came inside.

Once I was in the apartment I couldn't remember if I'd turned off my bike's light. Now, the batteries are failing, but I didn't really want them to keep working until they burn out! I went outside and checked the light. It was turned off. Since I was out there anyway and it was quiet around the apartment I decided to pull the weeds out of the unflower bed under our window. We're not allowed to put flowers there, so we have gravel. Yay. I pulled a lot of weeds and it was only because I couldn't see anymore that I went in again.

I got a text message from Fumihiko that said he wouldn't be home until around 10. Poor thing. I set up the coffee pot and did more important vegging! He called me about 9:30 to say he could finally come home. I turned on the coffee machine and got ready to cook dinner.

Tonight we had chicken and vegetable stirfry with shrimp shu mei. It was pretty good, even if I say so myself. Fumihiko was tired so I did the dishes and let him relax.

Because he was so late, we really didn't have much time together today. He showered soon after dinner and was in bed right after that. He read for a bit, so I went in and we talked about airplanes. Have I ever mentioned how crazy my husband is about airplanes? Well, he is! Very crazy. It was a good thing that I visited him because I noticed that he hadn't turned the alarm on for tomorrow morning. Yikes!

Well, tomorrow both of us will probably be working late. I don't start until late though, but I might go to the school early anyway. I can get a lot of work done when I'm not running around like a crazy person. Wish me luck with that!

I should run. I'll talk to you on the morrow! Night.


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